
Ohio HS football twitter hashtags?

  • grodt
    @ohsaa_scores is going to be tweeting tonight #ohiofb
  • thePITman
    This worked GREAT last night!!!! Having @ohsaa_scores tweet each #ohiofb reference was good so I can just follow @ohsaa_scores instead of having to go to the browser on my phone and search for #ohiofb. Loved having the scores on my Twitter widget on one of the main pages of my phone... easy and quick access. Couldn't have asked for anything better!
  • RedRider1
    Some dorky twitter etiquette for everyone....I've been bad at this lately....

    If you're nabbing a score from someone else's twitter....use the retweet function to give proper credit to your source. get a tweet from OHSAA_scores that says "Whitmer 28, MAssillon 24" and you want to send that to your retweet. It just republishes that tweet on your feed, but also gives credit to "Ohsaa_scores" as the original tweeter.

    If you're texting updates and can't use the retweet function....your manual tweet should read "RT @ohsaa_scores: Whitmer 28, Massillon 24." Again, this alerts your followers, but gives proper credit to the original tweeter.

    You can add a comment about the tweet you are retweeting....just to give it some life.
    This was one of my tweets Saturday....
    Great weekend for the Wayne County League. Dalton, Hillsdale & Norwayne all win. RT @ohsaa_scores FINAL: Norwayne 26 Crestview 20 #ohiofb
    More on this subject:

    /dorky rant