
Need help for Newark Catholic to vote

  • martyirish
    Help NC Win CA$H From State Farm
    October 21st, 2010
    State Farm is giving away $160,000 to high schools around the country. Fifty-two schools will receive money based on voting for a football friday night highlight. One school will receive $17,500 as the grand prize.

    All you have to do is go to

    Register your name and email, then go to page 4 of the videos and click on NC’s Britt Wilder, view the clip and vote. You can vote once everyday. Pass it on to you friends and family, post it on Facebook, spread the word and vote! GO GREEN!
  • martyirish
  • martyirish
    190 votes right now
    keep voting
    once a day
  • 5knots
    Yeah right....just what I wanted to do today was help a private school get money.......not.
  • nc52
    real nice....... JERK
  • barbarian
    I'd rather vote for the tea party
  • nc52
    are we a bit jealous?