
Coyotes Pickem Challenge: Week 2

  • karen lotz
    Eh I'd rather have someone else do the score research, I'll just plug the winners in....
  • LocoEngineer66
    I can find them for you each week if you want me to
  • Gardens35
    I'd like to see this changed to LOCO's pickem challenge.........he has timely info and doesn't make stuff up.

    post pad
  • karen lotz
    cool. If the excel file I made get the same results as coyotes this week, I think I'll save him a lot of time and effort since mine takes about 10 seconds to total everything up once games are over. It would be easier if you would copy/paste from the original list of games so the spelling/format is the exact same. Just eliminate the division/region headers and leave the winners and that would be the easiest. Same goes for when people pick their winners.
  • LocoEngineer66
    I am gonna suggest to coyotes too ... that you all full school names ... there was more than one instant this past week that there was more than one school in Ohio with the same name. If I didn't research like I do to predict winners I would have never known. For example there is more than one Highland and Edgewood.
  • GoChiefs