Who is LeVeon Bell!? (Relax. Just kidding.) FWIW:
http://www.msuspartans.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/bell_leveon00.html (Nice little write-up for their spring game!)
I heard some rumblings concerning the word "cohesiveness" and "gelling". All the times I've heard it, they were approaching it. The way it sounds, the Cruisers are just a few pieces from assembling an 11-part unit. But then again, they are one mistake from it unravelling before our very eyes! It's a fine line, to be sure, but it is a line I'm willing to watch the Cruisers walk certainly 10 of the next upcoming weeks... if not more!!!
Concerning the 11-man unit... Jim Tressell was once asked if (I think it was) Troy was going to a "tough" opponent. Jim's answer was great: "I've always said that the toughest team we will ever face is the team that places 11 guys on the field that act as one." Classic! I hope that that is where the Cruisers are heading!
A week and a half ago (about 5 days before their first 4-way scrimmage) I asked one of the coaches how things were looking as far as positions and players for those positions. He liked what he saw, but realized there were a few holes that needed attention. On the heels of that question, I asked is .500 possible or likely? 6 and 4? Dare I ask 7 and 3 or even 8 and 2!?
The coach stated that it was impossible to predict in early August but, in order to give an answer, and based on the effort he's seen in practice and some of the things that they are doing, he thought 6 and 4 was attainable and 7 and 3 wasn't out of reach. 8 and 2, on through 10 and 0 would be dependent on what the other teams had coming back.
All in all, I enjoy listening to the kids' excitement for the things happening in practice and the scrimmage. This Friday night, they have a game/scrimmage at home. Then, next Saturday night, it is go time! Time to put all the conjecturing and talking aside, and play ball. Here's hoping for a great season!