
The South Central OHio League is expanding to 8 teams

  • Cat Food Flambe'
    ... with the addition of the East Clinton Astros.

    Didn't see this coming. The article also states that the Wilmington BOE voted 5-0 to seek membership in the league. How the arrogant have fallen!
  • bcubed
    I think this is the best move for East Clinton and the SCOL. This now gives Massie a league rival and keeps travel down for all teams. I think unless a team was to leave the SCOL which it sounds like won't happen this is right where they should stay with 8 teams.
  • Cat Food Flambe'
    Re- a team leaving...

    I keep hearing scuttlebutt that London is not happy in the SCOL - in particular with the travel situation, which isn't going to improve with several trips to Lee's Creek each year. However, I can't think of any options that would improve their travel situation and also allow them to be successful in basketball and football.

    Were the Raiders to depart, I wonder if Greeneview would take the league up on their standing offer.
  • tiger1990
    How about the subtle "F-U" from Jim Winner to Wilmington...!? I like it, EC is the best fit. Wilmington burnt that bridge pretty good several years back - hard to repair those relationships when the same arrogant asses keep spouting off...
  • Cat Food Flambe'
    Tiger - I was aware of the initial comments along the lines of "We would completely dominate the league of smaller, rural schools" made when the SCOL was re-formed. Did the yap continue afterward as well?

    Based on the vote (I would guess that Massie was the one "yes" vote"), it sounds like it.
  • tiger1990
    From those "out-of-towners" - yes. But they've either moved on or are licking their wounds as their athletic dept. is losing money left & right. They've been out of the league what, 19 years now? If you figure the loss of revenue from packed gyms, etc. they would have had in the SCOL combined with the cash they've laid out for travel, Wilmington's got to be close to being in the hole.

    As a neutral observer from Greenfield working in Wilmington, I know an older, wiser faction that knows leaving the SCOL was a bad idea nearly 20 years ago, and a younger generation that knew very little of what the SCOL once was. They think they're getting "better competition" & "more exposure" down in Cincy. However, this younger generation has never seen a packed gym, stuffed to the gills on a cold, February night. They haven't been hit with the intensity an SCOL league foe brings on the gridiron. They don't know what we know, and that is when you're playing your neighbors you're playing for a hell of a lot more than just competition or exposure - you're playing for bragging rights that will last a lifetime. If you're like me and go to work every day with people from Greenfield, WCH, Miami Trace, Wilmington, East Clinton, Clinton-Massie, Leesburg, etc. etc. you know this is a big deal. I've never once heard anyone from Wilmington get excited about driving 90 minutes to go play Turpin - but they still get geeked to drive 20 minutes to play Miami Trace though.
  • mtp2013
    Easy win