
New Toledo area/Northwest Ohio league in the works

  • Keith
    With the Toledo City League in big trouble due to budget cuts a new league is taking shape as reported in todays Blade.
  • sniper_8
    Good move for Ross. What a nice league that would be, very good football conference, and tough. You better have a darn good team to make it through that league schedule. As we have said before Clay will be in trouble in football.
  • kritzell
    Great news for Findlay and Lima Sr!
  • Seymour Butts
    sniper_8 wrote: Good move for Ross. What a nice league that would be, very good football conference, and tough. You better have a darn good team to make it through that league schedule. As we have said before Clay will be in trouble in football.
    Not as much trouble as Lima Sr would be in. But I suppose they will take this meatgrinder of a league versus being Ind.

    This league has been in the works for the past 25 years. If it infact happens all I can say is about dam time!
  • sniper_8
    I'm with you Seymour--a long time coming!!!! No more cupcakes, and week offs for the big boys. Great big school league, with mix of privates and publics, very good for northwest ohio.
  • JakeGiant
    This has the making of a real good Conference much like the one Ross used to be in......The Buckeye Conference.