
Should There Be a North and South Forum for High School Football?

  • CenterBHSFan
    I agree with most, that it doesn't need split right now. Maybe look into it right before the season starts next year. Even if it is decided to split it, it should start off being split north/south. Changes only have to be made according to growth.
  • SouthviewCougar
    Why do it the old way, that being North/South, go with the 4 regions.

    Example- Have R1,5,9,.... in one forum

    Have R2,6,10,14,.... in one forum.

    Make it simulate the same structure as The State follows.
  • LocoEngineer66
    lol ... make it divisions so its not like the other huddle
  • ts1227
    Not busy enough here yet to justify it.
  • Cmhs74
    I think this is an issue than can be taken up for next year. With the season coming to an end and less teams playing each week I think the forums can remain this way.
  • dont_belong
    gochiefs wrote: I'd venture to say there is more posters here than you think..don't forget..this site was started during the playoffs..when the football season was over for most teams..I don't think we'll be able to get an accurate count of how popular the HS forums are on this one until next football season starts.
    I agree with this which is making it difficult to find out who actually made the switch. However, I do agree with the North/South split, simply for convenience.
  • tigerballonline
    I think 2 split divisions would work D1-3 and 4-6
  • letzplay
    How ironic is it that there is a thread in the 'other' forum asking to combine the North and South and here there is a thread to split. LOL
  • tcby99
    it would be nice, but I agree the site has to grow a little
  • chillyh2ofan
    Cmhs74 wrote: I think this is an issue than can be taken up for next year. With the season coming to an end and less teams playing each week I think the forums can remain this way.
    I must agree, for now I think it is just fine!
  • CardsFlyinHigh
    I say wait a while, in a month, following the aftermath of the state finals, football site traffic will severely drop. I say sometime next summer, then do the north/south split
  • pooter
    I like the Division split... To be different than the other...
  • MFMedic28
    I like the Division idea
  • Leonardo
    I would say keep it one forum until spring, then split it North and South.