
Why are there so many Lakers' threads?

  • lhslep134
    I dislike the Lakers as much as the next Cavs/general NBA fan, but why are there so many threads on here?

    It's almost as if some of the Cavs fans on here have an inferiority complex and need to constantly put down the Lakers in order to make themselves feel better.

    The Cavs have the best record in the league, does anything else really need to be said?
  • jpake1
    Why did you create this thread?
  • Lovejoy1984
    So you created another Lakers thread?
  • Nate
    Way to add to the mess. This was an unnecessary thread.
  • j_crazy
    to be fair when the cavs had their 3 game slide there were a lot of cavs threads too.
  • Lovejoy1984
    And the Cavs fans are putting down the Lakers, for 2 reason.

    1.) Skyhook
    2.) NCF

    Giving them the shit, that they continue to give the Cavs for anything/everything.
  • Fly4Fun
    A few of the Lakers threads are legit... some were created unnecessarily. If you want them to go away, don't post on them... or create more threads on them.

    It happens both ways... because a couple "Laker" fans constantly needle Cavs fans a couple "Cav" fans feel the need to retaliate. It's not both sides of each fan base... just a few.
  • SQ_Crazies
    j_crazy wrote: to be fair when the cavs had their 3 game slide there were a lot of cavs threads too.
    HighRoller74 wrote: And the Cavs fans are putting down the Lakers, for 2 reason.

    1.) Skyhook
    2.) NCF

    Giving them the shit, that they continue to give the Cavs for anything/everything.
  • SQ_Crazies
    Mine is legit, it was about the game yesterday. I just titled it Matt Barnes vs. Kobe, because at the time that was the only thing going on in the game lol.
  • SQ_Crazies
    But there are some legit questions on this forum for Laker fans, and they don't seem to want to answer them the way they expect Cavs fans to answer their bogus question.

    Should Phil tell Kobe to take fewer shots is a legit question.
  • j_crazy
    SQ_Crazies wrote: But there are some legit questions on this forum for Laker fans, and they don't seem to want to answer them the way they expect Cavs fans to answer their bogus question.

    Should Phil tell Kobe to take fewer shots is a legit question.
    this is the only place where i participate in the kobe/lebron debate.

    I've heard people say "Lebron can't run the triangle offense."

    I have 2 issues with that statement:
    1. Yes he could, he's arguably the best in the league, has a HOF basketball IQ. He could learn Phil's system.
    2. Kobe takes like 20 shots a game. Of those I'd estimate 50% are on Iso-plays. So I'd argue that Kobe can't even run the triangle (which is laughable, but not moreso than saying Lebron couldn't).

    The fact is that Kobe, Jordan, and Lebron don't need to run the triangle to be great, they just are.
  • lhslep134
    Fly4Fun wrote: A few of the Lakers threads are legit... some were created unnecessarily. If you want them to go away, don't post on them... or create more threads on them.

    It happens both ways... because a couple "Laker" fans constantly needle Cavs fans a couple "Cav" fans feel the need to retaliate. It's not both sides of each fan base... just a few.
    I don't post on them. And this is NOT a Lakers thread, this is a thread about Cavs fans making unnecessary threads. Whoever thinks this is about the Lakers is an idiot.

    And yes, there are a few legitimate threads, but a lot are just to stir the pot.

    I'm all for (semi)intelligent debate, but pot stirring is annoying when it happens in every other thread, which is why I don't post on them.
  • SQ_Crazies
    This may not be a Laker thread, but you put Lakers in the thread title--so to many people, it's just another Laker thread lol.
  • SQ_Crazies
    j_crazy wrote:
    SQ_Crazies wrote: But there are some legit questions on this forum for Laker fans, and they don't seem to want to answer them the way they expect Cavs fans to answer their bogus question.

    Should Phil tell Kobe to take fewer shots is a legit question.
    this is the only place where i participate in the kobe/lebron debate.

    I've heard people say "Lebron can't run the triangle offense."

    I have 2 issues with that statement:
    1. Yes he could, he's arguably the best in the league, has a HOF basketball IQ. He could learn Phil's system.
    2. Kobe takes like 20 shots a game. Of those I'd estimate 50% are on Iso-plays. So I'd argue that Kobe can't even run the triangle (which is laughable, but not moreso than saying Lebron couldn't).

    The fact is that Kobe, Jordan, and Lebron don't need to run the triangle to be great, they just are.
    The triangle isn't designed for Kobe/Jordan/LeBron.

    It's designed for their teammates so as a team they can win games. It's very successful, but you're right--as individuals, none of them need or needed the triangle to be as great as they are.
  • ytownfootball
    When the defending champion of any sport begins to look more and more like an average squad I'm not sure why you'd think it surprising people want to discuss it.
  • Sage

    Simple mathematics.
  • Footwedge
    The Lakers were 1 and 1 in the finals the last 2 years. They will not make it that far this year.
  • Sage
    This coming from an NBA it must be true.
  • hoops23
    Mine wasn't made to stir the pot.. I've just been seeing a lot of things recently that has led me to believe that Lakers may be in a little turmoil and that everything may not be "ok" in Laker land.
  • cview
    Some threads are legit---the turmoil one, the Kobe vs Matt Barnes one was legit because like SQ said, it really was the only thing going on in an otherwise choppy game.

    Some of them are retarded, and it goes both ways, with Lakers/Cavs fans starting those on both side of the debate, which is dumb. Belittling either player is stupid because you've got two all time top ten, unanimous first ballot HOF'er type guys---if Kobe sucks then Lebron must suck too, and vice versa.

    Really though, there are a small number of people on this site that know their shit in regards to the game of basketball. I'm not even going to say I'm one of them. It's the Dr. Hoops idiots with no sense of the game that make me SMH. And the people that actually do know their stuff are good to have a conversation with...because you have to know your shit in order to recognize that really, you don't know shit.
  • Footwedge
    Sage wrote: This coming from an NBA it must be true.
    A lot of NBA prophets think the same way. Laker fans should be happy they made it to the finals twice and won it all last year. But they are not 3 in a row type material.