
Fantasy NBA GM Game

  • Nate
    Would anyone be interested in this purposed game?

    Everyone will pick an NBA team. We will hold a fantasy draft, all players go in.
    Sound simple? WRONG. You will have a salary cap and players will be designated a salary that will stick with them throughout the season. Trades can be made after the draft and you will also have draft picks for 2010 and 2011 drafts. (1 per round).

    The games will be simulated on NBA 2K10 by myself on my 360.

    I would also know if anyone would be interested in helping me setup the draft and such things.

    I'm hoping to compile a list of all NBA players and their salaries. I would put their 2K10 rating but with Live rosters it is hard and the defaulted rosters have rookies like Tyreke Evans aren't rated very low.

    If anyone is interested in helping set things up, let me know.

    The season will be simulated by the month at a month a week. So we will set a deadline for all transactions at 11:59 PM on Sunday night, any transactions before that date will make the sim date.

    The draft order will be randomized by Excel for fairness.

    Call your teams if you are interested. Inactive people will be replaced during draft. There will be a 24 hour pick limit just like in the Mock Draft for the NFL.

    If this season is a success, I will ask for opinions on what to do for the next season (dump players again with incoming rookies, keep players and draft rookies).

    If you have no intentions of being active, please do not show interest. Also, please do not create new Freehuddles accounts so you can have multiple teams and may a power team. I have final say on who is in and who is out.

    Trades will also have to meet the salary cap limit. Salaries will most likely be rounded to the nearest million to make things easier on my end.

    If this is a go, I will like to be the Memphis Grizzlies.


    Commish Keebler
  • jpake1
    That sounds like a lot of work. I don't feel like doing anything except for drafting players for the Miami Heat. You might run into a problem with salaries because they're different on the game than in real life, and if somebody doesn't have 2k10, like myself, it'll be hard to draft players because eventually the salaries will come into play, and without knowing them it'll cause a problem.
  • Hb31187
    If this ends up being a go ill take Denver
  • I drain 3's
    I'll take Phoenix.
  • krazie45
    I'll take the Cavs
  • Nate
    I'm planning on compiling a spreadsheet with all players and salaries and posting it somewhere accessible for everyone. I'm going to use real life salaries and have them rounded to the nearest 500000. Everything needed to draft and trade will be posted somewhere online for review. Team rosters, salaries, etc...if I can get the people ill set some more base down for this whole thing. This is just the rough idea first. If there is enough interest, then ill get more specific.
  • TigerNation10
    I'll take the Lakers.
  • buck_a_holic
    Ill take the Dallas Mavericks
  • gibby08
    I'll take the New York Knicks
  • Nate
    8 people interested.. Looks like a no go. Damn, sounded fun.
  • Nate
    Last hope, is there any more interest in this?
  • jpake1
    It's a neat idea because we all love sports and most of us like to do the fantasy sport thing, but this will just be too hard and people would lose interest quickly. I think it'd be a big hit if it was like ps3 online type stuff.
  • Nate
    Yeah, it would. I think if I put the leg work down first and showed everyone everything, it may get more response. I may start on that this evening after I finish my paper. I mean, after the draft, there isn't much work to do unless you want to be active in trading.