Archive writer has something for LeBron to think about...

  • sportswizuhrd
    and its not Bill Simmons.

    He is right about the Clippers having a great young core of players-Griffin, Davis(not exactly young), Gordon and Kaman. This is where I think he is wrong...
    No matter what happens this season with the Cavs it's time for you to leave Cleveland. No offense, but you and your boys are starting to remind me of a more affluent version of the high school clique that's still living in the same town six years after graduation. It's time for you to move on and leave the nest. Ohio will always be your hometown, but it doesn't need to be your home right now.
    If anything that would make LeBron want to stay in Cleveland, not leave.
  • hoops23
    Yeah, I kind of took that article as a slap in the face, even if I wasn't a Cavs fan.. It's hard for these bigger city guys to understand why people can live in Ohio... It's like this is the worst state in the USA to them.. Which couldn't be further from the truth. This is a great state with a lot to offer..

    A couple weeks ago when NY was in town for their game against us, one of the sports writers for the NY Post got stuck at the Cleveland airport because of the weather.. He then tweeted "I don't know why LeBron would even want to live here, this is terrible"...

    I mean, it's just crap like that, that pisses me off more than the actual talk of LeBron leaving.. Don't talk about our state or city like that.. I really wish he would have taken a cab and got lost on St. Clair that night :)
  • Gobuckeyes1
    Ohio will always be your hometown
    Someone might want to let this guy know that Ohio is indeed a state, not a town.

    Doesn't take much to be a columnist for ESPN anymore, does it. What a terrible column.
  • just_a_swimmer
    dumb column
  • Nate
    Blake Griffin is unproven. Why leave proven talent for unproven?
  • BCBulldog
    I genuinely don't see LeBron actually leaving Cleveland. I do believe he wants to look around - and why not, it is his right. But like so many people who leave a good thing for greener pastures that seem 'great', they end up disappointed.

    Sure, the bright lights and energy of NY or LA look good on the surface, but when you are living there day in day out, it becomes a different monster. Dealing with the spotlight in NY and LA can really wear you down. LeBron is still the face of the NBA in Cleveland, but without the swarm that is NY / LA media.

    LeBron wants a championship and Cleveland is clearly committed to it. Trading for Jamison proves that. He is the only missing piece. They knew it, LeBron knew it and the rest of the league knew it. The best part - it didn't cost them anything significant. They may even get Z back in 30 days.

    The only way I see him leaving is for a state with no income tax, on a team that already has a star player (or signs one) and a coach (and organization for that matter) that will be willing to build his entire philosophy and style around LeBron. Even with all that, it still isn't home.
  • SQ_Crazies
    What a joke.

    Oh wait, it's from ESPN.
  • sleeper
    He's staying in Cleveland.
  • devil1197
    These fuckers can not stand to think that the best NBA player would ever want to stay in Cleveland.

    Got a news flash for you, he isn't leaving Cleveland.
  • ytownfootball
    These will be posted on a weekly basis as they surface.
  • devil1197
    I am ready for it.

    The articles will make it even sweeter when LeBron signs a 3 year extension with Cleveland.

    I cannot wait for ESPN to freak out.
  • SQ_Crazies
    Me either.

    And they'll just now be posted on a weekly basis? This shit has been going on for 2 years. It's actually incredibly pathetic at this point--not that they keep churning them out, but at how obvious they're making it that they just don't want him to stay in Cleveland.

    People always talk about money in the big market and the media has brainwashed some of you--but in all reality, LeBron isn't going to make more money in NY or LA, but the media will.
  • ytownfootball
    but the media will

    Somehow, this translates to LeBron leaving in most people minds. LOL
  • Sage
    Nobody can say he's leaving. Nobody can say he isn't. Because, at the end of the day, nobody is LBJ.

    If LBJ leaves Cleveland, he should be more reviled than Jim Thome in Cleveland.

    I love the city of Cleveland, but let's face it... LA and NY are different breeds. Not saying they're better, but they're most certainly different.
  • Cleveland Buck
    If LeBron leaves he will be the most hated man in the history of Cleveland sports outside of Art Modell.
  • SQ_Crazies
    ytownfootball wrote: but the media will

    Somehow, this translates to LeBron leaving in most people minds. LOL
    No. But for the media they want to push the story and try to influence his decision.
  • ytownfootball
    Cleveland Buck wrote: If LeBron leaves he will be the most hated man in the history of Cleveland sports outside of Art Modell.
    You would think so...

    So you're LBJ, lived your whole life here, and you're going to return to Cleveland in another uniform to a chorus of boos, shit thrown on your lawn, stupid ass death threats from goofballs and who knows what else?

    Sounds like reason enough to stay, don't you?
  • Heretic
    I don't know whether he'll stay or go. Hell, I doubt if he really knows what he's doing.

    But I am getting more and more amused by various columnists/commentators on the whole thing. They used to more-or-less keep it to "this team/city can offer more and he'll be set up for championships on a year-by-year basis", but now it's turning into a "OMG! Who'd want to be in Ohio?!?" line of reasoning where they're not even pretending they have any reason for him leaving other than their desire to have him be in a market of their liking.
  • ytownfootball
    We ain't seen notin' yet...they'll be on a huge roll very soon.

    In fact, I wouldn't be surprised in the least to hear the TNT guys start it up tonight when the Cav's host the Nugs
  • SQ_Crazies
    Heretic wrote: I don't know whether he'll stay or go. Hell, I doubt if he really knows what he's doing.

    But I am getting more and more amused by various columnists/commentators on the whole thing. They used to more-or-less keep it to "this team/city can offer more and he'll be set up for championships on a year-by-year basis", but now it's turning into a "OMG! Who'd want to be in Ohio?!?" line of reasoning where they're not even pretending they have any reason for him leaving other than their desire to have him be in a market of their liking.
    If you go back to the start of this whole thing and read the articles as they were published, you'll see that they've progressively got more and more desperate in terms of their content. It's no secret why, but it's starting to get embarrassing for them from my point of view. But there are still a lot of dumbass people who believe anything they read on ESPN and don't pay attention to real facts.
  • Sage

    Cleveland named most miserable city in the country.
  • Heretic
    Oh yeah, I know what you mean, SQ. I remember when the Nets became the hot team in contention. The reasoning involved something resembling actual logic. LeBron is pals with Jay-Z. A big Russian billionaire is buying the team and they will amass a juggernaut around him.

    And now...we have this "he needs to go because he and his pals are like this high school clique that never moved on". SMH times in-fucking-finity. That's like National Enquirer gossip crap...not anything resembling legitimate sports commentary.
  • SQ_Crazies
    No surprise, I don't think anyone learned anything from Forbes on this one. Doesn't have any impact in this discussion though.
  • SQ_Crazies
    Heretic wrote: Oh yeah, I know what you mean, SQ. I remember when the Nets became the hot team in contention. The reasoning involved something resembling actual logic. LeBron is pals with Jay-Z. A big Russian billionaire is buying the team and they will amass a juggernaut around him.

    And now...we have this "he needs to go because he and his pals are like this high school clique that never moved on". SMH times in-fucking-finity. That's like National Enquirer gossip crap...not anything resembling legitimate sports commentary.
    Yeah, and think about what you really just said. LeBron was going to go to NJ because of Jay-Z. That really was all they said at the start. Does that even sound halfway logical? LOL, retarded then and it's getting worse. And now don't you love how they still haven't let go of the Nets because "they have a good core of young players and they MIGHT get John Wall". Yeah, well if their core was that good they wouldn't be on pace to be the worst team in the history of the league.




    LOL, please. It's ridiculous how in favor things are as far as rosters go, for him to sign back in Cleveland.

    Money, Cleveland.
    Best team, Cleveland.
    NBA Coach of the Year.
    Our Mark Cuban rival of an owner.
    It's home.
    Best fans in the league.

    What else is there?

    Oh yeah, the "big lights" in NYC. LMAO, this isn't the 1980s...
  • Cleveland Buck
    New York can sign 2 max players, or one max and one close to max, or one max, one good player, and David Lee. They will have their MLE and can get a PG like Ray Felton or something. They can trade Eddy Curry's expiring contract for a piece. They could have:

    Trade for Eddy Curry's Expiring Contract
    Biannual exception Free Agent

    or they could have:

    Biannual exception Free Agent
    Trade Eddy Curry's Expiring Contract for 1 or 2 good players

    I figure he is long gone.