j_crazyUnless Ray rice goes off for 50 tomrrow I'm eliminated from the playoffs
I hope so.royal_k wrote: Rice will get you 50. lol
And yes, I say this as a Browns fan. The more losses, the better chance at the #1 pick. -
hoops23Ugh... That rushing TD just took 4 points away from my defense. Went from being up 2 to being down 2...
I'd love for Tom Brady to march down this field and I obviously need Ray Rice to go for 20+ -
royal_kAddai's TD just put me back in the lead. 97-93 Now I just need the Pats to run out the clock and keep Manning off the field.
royal_kThat's NOT what I needed Tom!!!!
royal_kUn fucking believable....I lost 100-99!!!!!!!!!!!
hoops23haha... Lost two more points.
Down 5 now.
It'll come down to Ray Rice (me) vs Ravens defense (him) -
hoops23Sweet, Tom Brady got me 1 more point with that last pass and ESPN just gave NE's defense 7 points (they had -2).
I don't know if it'll stand, but I'm up 80-77 now. -
j_crazyCorrection. I need Rice to get me 38, not 50. I'm a lock for the #1 pick in my league next year now. LOL.
Drums of WarI lost by 3 points this week. Guess who my #1RB is? I fthis costs me the playoffs I am going to write to him and ask him to pay my league fee!!
jpake1Moss helped me win in one of the huddle leagues.
SonofanumpI tied this week and had Ray Rice (89 yards), one more frickin yard and I would have had a win.
Nice that they took him out at the end of the game last night and gave carrys to McGahee. -
capninsanoUgh...I'm throwing this season in the shitter. Prior to this week I was 14 points from being the leading point scorer....yet I was 3-6.....Everyone has their best weeks against me..and then this week..when the other team doesn't score very many points....I wind up with 60 something...Done