
Norv Turner and Wade Phillips.......

  • Ironman92
    are who we thought they were.....and they were not let off the hook. BOTH are vastly overrated IMO and their playoff records (with very good teams) speak for themselves.

    A large % of people believed the Cowboys were the best team going and I agreed with everything....but Wade Phillips in charge kept me from thinking they would do much of anything. Phillips is with his 4th full time team as head coach.

    Norv Turner is handed a 14-2 team and his career playoff record was atrocious.....then he wins one in the playoffs as an underdog and he is near God-like. THe Chargers were THE hottest team alive....but he couldn't control his tremendous players from head-butting, kicking flags and screaming like a 4th grader at recess to the refs...on a correct call.

    I am so happy big baby Rivers is done. Nice interception after the interception you cried about.....karma baby....karma.