
Anyone interested in a "Freehuddle" NFL Mock Draft?

  • buck_a_holic
    Need 32 members to represent each NFL team. That representative is now the owner of that franchise. We will draft with the same order that will take place in April. I know the final order is not decided yet, so we will have to wait or just go by regular season record. I have been in one of these the past few years on the "other site" and it seems to run pretty smoothly if you get committed people. Hopefully we can get this thing moving and get as close to 7 rounds done as possible.

    Also, I am not able to check the site as frequently as I would like, so someone else may need to organize and operate the draft. Just mention in your post if you would want to be the commisioner.

    And one final thing....I am the Cleveland Browns

    Lets get this ball rollin

    List of teams selected (Not in Draft Order)
    1. Cleveland Browns- buck_a_holic
    2. Detroit Lions- devil1197
    3. Tennesee Titans- Trueblue23
    4. Pittsburgh Steelers- Non
    5. Minnesota Vikings- Fabio
    6. Denver Broncos- TigerNation10
    7. Seattle Seahawks- osu99
    8. New England Patriots- Chesapeake
    9. Dallas Cowboys- trackandccrunner
    10. Tampa Bay Buccaneers- BCSbunk
    11. Cincinnati Bengals- Azuibuke24
    12. St. Louis Rams- Spartan
    13. New York Jets- justincredible
    14. Carolina Panthers- lhs2ndbase
    15. San Diego Chargers- LTrain23
    16. San Francisco 49ers- Striker
    17. Baltimore Ravens- Bluedevil11
    18. Indianapolis Colts- Leonardo
    19. Houston Texans- se-alum
    20. Jacksonville Jaguars- buckeye_wowee
    21. Miami Dolphins- j_crazy
    22. Buffalo Bills- LJ
    23. Kansas City Chiefs- jpake1
    24. Oakland Raiders- charliehustle14
    25. New Orleans Saints- Thunder70
    26. Atlanta Falcons- stroups
    27. Philadelphia Eagles- purple_rein
    28. Green Bay Packers- DaBrowns41
    29. Chicago Bears- rydawg5
    30. Arizona Cardinals- royal_k
    31. New York Giants- voewoody
    32. Washington Redskins- gport_tennis
  • devil1197
    I'll do it.

    I want the Lions and I have dibs on Dez Bryant lol.

    Serious I'll take the Lions.
  • Trueblue23
    I'll take the Titans
  • Non
    it never works

    I'll be the Steelers!
  • Fabio
    I'll take the Vikings
  • Trueblue23
    Non wrote: it never works

    I'll be the Steelers!
    Idk what you're takin about but we had a HUGE mock draft on the old site.

    Gotta get Chesapeake involved tho.
  • TigerNation10
    I'll do it. I guess give me the Denver Broncos.
  • osu99
    I'll take the Seahawks.

    EDIT: i was looking for a logo for them and found this one online...

    i guess it will do
  • Chesapeake
  • buck_a_holic
    Anyone want to organize and operate the actual mock draft?? I could do it (if I had to) but I just worry about the amount of updating and attention I could give to it.
  • trackandccrunner
    I'll take the Cowboys. I've always wanted to be apart of this but I've always seen the thread and was too late.
  • BCSbunk
    I will do it. I will take Tampa Bay.
  • Azubuike24
    I'll take the Bengals.
  • spartan
    ill take the rams or kc
  • justincredible
    Jets for me.
  • justincredible
    I can go ahead and be the "commish" as well if it makes things easier.
  • LJ
    I'll take the Carolina Panthers
  • hoops23
    I'll take the Chargers..
  • Striker
    49ers please
  • buck_a_holic
    justincredible wrote: I can go ahead and be the "commish" as well if it makes things easier.
    Go ahead. I will stay in control of this until all teams are selected, then you can take over. I appreciate it. Also, you can decide when you want to get this thing started....
  • justincredible
    Sounds good.
  • hasbeen
    justincredible wrote: I can go ahead and be the "commish" as well if it makes things easier.
    typical...power hungry son of a ....

    but i'll be dallas' assistant GM
  • justincredible
    pnhasbeen wrote:
    justincredible wrote: I can go ahead and be the "commish" as well if it makes things easier.
    typical...power hungry son of a ....
    I'm gonna have to ban you for that. Unacceptable.
  • buck_a_holic
    1/2 full...Still need 16 more representatives for the rest of the teams. List of avaliable teams is in the first post.
  • LJ
    I would like to change to the Bills