
All you peple who think Jonny stinks is dumb!

  • IHeartJohnny
    If they'd start him all year the Breowns would be in the Super Bowl and you know it. All sorts of QBs had growing pains and I can proof it!

    #1: This guy utterly stunk for TB as a rook. 5 games, 1TD, 6 pics and 47% pasing. You think he was a failure, right. WELL YOUR WRONG! This fine man, grew up and become SUPER BOWL CHAMP TRENT DILFER!!! Looks like he was a winner just like Johnnie!!!

    #2. Havent had enuff? Look at this guy. As a rook, he was even worse. No scores and 7 pics. Is he selling cars like how Hoyyer will be after this year? Hell no he's starting for a playoff team this year and he is named Ryan Lindley. Man I bet the Cards are GLAD they have a winner like that now that its crunch time! I wish our stupid coach had done the same because I bet Jonie could do the same!

    #3 If any of you idiots still are doubting, here is the final proof. This QB was really bad early on I mean he had 6 scores and 13 pics and barely hit 52% passes. Whoa! But he came around and became a All-Pro. You should know him he was a former OSU man named Tom Tupa and I see a lot of him in Jonnie. You see, Joniee went to SEC where he beat the hell out of Allahbammy so he could pass and punt and probably do other stuff too, so why didn't he play more!!!?

    I'd go on but it'd only make you tiny brains break. Besides the nurse at the home came by an said we having Johnnie Marzetti today. Yum yum I could have jOnni in my mouth everyday. See you suckors!!!
  • Ironman92
    I wish Manziel would've started the season and then been knocked out in week 2 and none of this shit would be going on
  • HitsRus
    What I wish is that the mods would just take all these obviously trolling Manziel threads and consolidate them.