
NFL Sunday ticket

  • Walt
    I watch the Steelers but turn to other games on the commercial breaks. Anyone else ever notice that it seems like every game goes to commercial at the same time?
  • killer_ewok
    Yep. I've got Sunday Ticket too (LOVE IT!). Just turn to the Game Mix channel. There's usually at least one game that's still on during the Steeler game commercials.
  • bigdaddy2003
    How much is it at the beginning of the season? I'm definitely getting it next season.
  • killer_ewok
    bigdaddy2003 wrote: How much is it at the beginning of the season? I'm definitely getting it next season.
    With Superfan? $400. They offer early bird specials so maybe you could get it for $380.
  • bigdaddy2003
    What is Superfan?
  • killer_ewok
    You get all of the games in HD.
  • bigdaddy2003
    Ah I'm still in the dark ages in terms of tv so I guess I would be paying 380.
  • killer_ewok
    Actually you'd probably only pay $280 if you got it early because the Superfan is $100 of the $400.
  • bigdaddy2003
    Ah nice. I definitely need it. I have had to watch most of the Ravens games online and it has sucked lol. It's quite a job keeping a working link all game.
  • Walt
    The extra $100 for HD is freakin' robbery! I didn't pay the extra $100 because I threatened to drop Direct TV so they gave me Super Fan free this year. However, I won't pay for it next year. I only use Sunday ticket for the Steelers and the last few years they've been on "free" TV 10+ times a season in Central Ohio so it's not worth it for me.
  • I Wear Pants
    I would love to be able to get Sunday Ticket on Time Warner.