
PBF - Pacman fight in jeopardy?

  • captvern
    You are only listening to the side of Pacquiao. Like anything else there is some truth to both sides but you have to look the middle, which you are refusing to do. All the PBF is asking for is Olympic style drug tests. If Pacman has nothing to hide sign the fight. Pacquiao only wants to have a test at the fight press conference that was scheduled in January GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. . Plenty of time to use EPO or anything else that he wants.
    PBF is not the only one that questions Pacquiao
  • BCSbunk
    Pick6 wrote: "Arum said Pacquiao agreed to blood testing before the pre-fight press conference -- typically conducted months before a major fight"

    Why did Pacquiao want to only test right before and right after the fight and not during training?
    If you notice, Mayweather said random drug tests. Not daily drug tests, weekly drug tests, or even bi-weekly drug tests. Why wouldn't Pacquaio agree to "random" drug tests? ITS OBVIOUS HE HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE.
    If you notice this is something that is unprecedented. Pacquiao has agreed to drug tests that are NORMAL not outlandish nonsense that no boxing commission except the Olympics employs as their standard.

    There is nothing for him to hide he has NEVER failed a drug test.

    Mayweather is tarnished we will see if he puts this demand on the other fighters he will sign against my guess is he will not.

    Mayweather knows he cannot beat Pacquiao so make outlandish NEVER before asked for tasks to get out of the fight.
  • BCSbunk
    captvern wrote: You are only listening to the side of Pacquiao. Like anything else there is some truth to both sides but you have to look the middle, which you are refusing to do. All the PBF is asking for is Olympic style drug tests. If Pacman has nothing to hide sign the fight. Pacquiao only wants to have a test at the fight press conference that was scheduled in January GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. . Plenty of time to use EPO or anything else that he wants.
    PBF is not the only one that questions Pacquiao
    He wants what is NORMAL in fights nothing more nothing less. He is willing to give urine tests random which are just as accurate as blood tests.

    He also was willing to give blood IMMEDIATELY following the fight. Mayweathers requests are nonsense and the sad part is he will not require this of any other fighters he signs with. Why not?
  • captvern
    There are many fighters that are questioning Pacquiao . Where there is smoke there is more than likely going to be fire. Why are other guys questioning Pacman? If there was not a reason for PBF to ask for the drug test he would not have asked for it.
  • BCSbunk
    captvern wrote: There are many fighters that are questioning Pacquiao . Where there is smoke there is more than likely going to be fire. Why are other guys questioning Pacman? If there was not a reason for PBF to ask for the drug test he would not have asked for it.
    And that is faulty logic. I don't care if a million people question it he has NEVER failed a drug test.

    It is called an appeal to the majority. There is NO SMOKE because he has PASSED every drug test. So no smoke no fire. Just a bunch of pussies who do not want to get their asses kicked.

    Mayweather is very selective in his fights (he dodges) and he is jealous because Paciquiao has won more titles so he must be cheating. It is nothing more than jealous nonsense.

    Mayweather needs to shut his mouthful of accusations, get in the ring and take his beating.
  • Pick6
    Bottom Line: Maybe what Mayweather was wanting to happen was kind of stupid. But if there are other boxers questioning Pacquiao I would want to make sure I'm not fighting a guy thats on steroids and I'm not(for example). If Pacquiao really had nothing to hide, he would have been fine with the random drug tests. Obviously needles do not bother him. He has tattoos. If he dont like getting his blood taken, dont look and it will be just like getting a tattoo. And its not like Mayweather wouldnt be getting tested either. So it still would be a level playing field.
  • Mulva
    Bob Arum is awfully full of himself.
  • captvern
    They must know or seen something to question Pacman. Again you use faulty logic. Marion Jones had passed all of her drug tests as well and we all know how that turned out. She is not the only one that passed drug test while she was using.
  • iclfan2
    I agree with BCSbunk. Mayweather is making ridiculous demands that no other boxer has to do. He even said he would do it before, after, and rather pee tests during training. Mayweather is a puss.
  • Nate
    I'm not a boxing fan but read the article. If Pac has nothing to hide then why is he so persistent in not taking the test? That's just declaring guilt in my book.
  • iclfan2
    Why is MAyweather pushing for olympic testing so badly? They aren't fighting in the Olympics. And Pac said he would get tested, just not to the ridiculous lengths Mayweather wants him to go to. Mayweather has always shyed away from big fights, it seems. (I have nothing to back that up with though).
  • 2kool4skool
    BCSbunk wrote:I want Pacquaio's dick in my mouth
    Could have saved us all a lot of time by just writing that bro.

    I'd love to see Pac-man put PBF down for the count, but this just makes him look ridiculous. "I don't like needles" is his excuse, and then he's found to have gotten a tattoo like a week ago? Come on.
  • september63
    This seems to me to be a publicity thing. Also Mayweather just trying to get in his head. Mark it down!!! This fight will happen on the original date it has been planned for.
  • iclfan2
    I also read that he was willing to take a bloodtest after the fight. Which would show anything that the other one would. Also, he said he doesn't want a blood test before the fight because he is superstitious that it will make him weaker for the fight. If he takes one 5 days before the fight, which the newspaper said he would, and after the fight, why does Mayweather care? Because he is a douche.
  • hoops23
    Pacman looks like a bitch after this. PBF had no problems with the drug testing. Obviously Pacman has something to hide. What a bitch..
  • iclfan2
    Obviously he has something to hide? No other boxer has ever done that much drug testing. PBF is being a douche even demanding that.
  • hoops23
    Pacman is being a douche by not meeting the demand. It's not that complicated. Take the damn test. In a fight that big, it would be of the upmost integrity to make sure everyone was clean.
  • Ytowngirlinfla
    Pacman is no way scared of PBF. PBF will get his ass whooped. I got to meet Freddie Roach saturday and he seemed pretty hyped about this fight. Pacman will be ready as Roach is the best trainer in boxing.
  • hoops23
    I think PBF's record proves he's not scared.
  • King Curtis
    PBF has never wanted to fight Pacman and is looking for a way out of the fight.
  • 2kool4skool
    King Curtis wrote: PBF has never wanted to fight Pacman and is looking for a way out of the fight.
    Pacman could close that way out by simply agreeing to the test right? Why doesn't he do that?
  • Elliot Stabler
    Fab1b wrote: Yep fight is off just said it on Sportscenter I hate boxing! MMA is where it is at!
    1.MMA is as fake as pro wrestling

    2.Mayweather is a pussy and is afraid of getting his ass KO'd in the 1st or 2nd round
  • 2kool4skool
    Elliot Stabler wrote: 1.MMA is as fake as pro wrestling

  • krazie45
    I'm literally laughing my ass off at everyone saying Mayweather is afraid of Pac and this is his way out. Last I checked, the ball is in PAC's court. PAC is the one not letting this fight go on. Mayweather wants Olympic style testing so it's RANDOM. Of course if you know when the tests are you can prepare around them or take masking agents. I don't see how anyone could argue that Mayweather is running when Pac is the one currently stopping the fight from happening. Sounds like Pac is the one hiding, knowing he can't beat a guy like Floyd without his roids.....and spare me the "he never failed a test" bs, neither did Mark McGwire or Barry Bonds. There's ways around it, trust me.
  • 2quik4u
    For all of you saying Floyd is afraid of fighting Pac are fucking stupid there is a reason Floyds nickname is Money May because he is all about the money. Do you really think he would pass up a pay day like this because he is afraid of losing?