Reds vs. Nats - Game 2
TigerNation10Shake up
Phillips 4
Sappelt 7
Votto 3
Bruce 9
Cairo 5
Stubbs 8
Hernandez 2
Janish 6
Cueto -
rugbywrestlerHoly lineup shakeup!
mhs95_06Votto gives Cueto the lead, and Johnny holds it in the first, striking out all 3 batters, but it cost him 16 pitches to get thru the inning.
mhs95_06Johnny with a wonderful job in the 2nd pitching around the lead-off two base error by Cairo that was actually wrongly ruled as a hit and an error.
Then in the top of the 3rd Bruce guts a good bases loaded one out scoring opportunity by striking out on a terrible AB. The key knock in the bases loaded one out set-up was a double by Sappelt on which he was really thrown out on a great play by Ankiel that was not called correctly. -
mhs95_06Another great job by Cueto putting up a zero in the 4th, getting out of two on and no out and 2nd and 3rd with 1 out.
Ironman92This game has that feel to it.
Refuse to pull away....National crap hit/error and then missed location tie game or 1 down.
Seen it. -
Ironman92Lucky slip for the Reds and fortunate it was Stubbs running to get a cheap but huge run.
2-0 -
Ironman92Cueto bats with bases loaded and 2 out...but at 88 pitches and I'd let him continue his pursuit of the shutout....but everything Dusty decides in these scenarios usually doesn't work.
It happened to Bailey a couple times, but yes all the missed scoring opportunities hurt and could haunt, but the 2-0 lead now is big.Ironman92;865770 wrote:This game has that feel to it.
Refuse to pull away....National crap hit/error and then missed location tie game or 1 down.
Seen it. -
mhs95_06Ironman92;865783 wrote:Cueto bats with bases loaded and 2 out...but at 88 pitches and I'd let him continue his pursuit of the shutout....but everything Dusty decides in these scenarios usually doesn't work.
I'm more afraid of Coco in the 9th than Cueto in the 8th. -
Ironman92Ironman92;865770 wrote:This game has that feel to it.
Refuse to pull away....National crap hit/error and then missed location tie game or 1 down.
Seen it.
Man I was close....seeing eye hit and then the most successful guy vs Cueto, Rich Ankiel....just missed tying it. -
mhs95_06At 103 pitches, Does dusty let Cueto at least start the 9th? I think I would, but have Coco ready to start the inning also, to be sure he is ready without delay. I'd then judge from there, but unlike strategy I'd use with most pitchers, say like Leake or Arroyo, to immediately pull them if one runner reached, I'd maybe go with Johnny a bit more than that.
Ironman92Someone tell Sappelt to quit hitting the ball in the air.
Ironman92mhs95_06;865801 wrote:At 103 pitches, Does dusty let Cueto at least start the 9th? I think I would, but have Coco ready to start the inning also, to be sure he is ready without delay. I'd then judge from there, but unlike strategy I'd use with most pitchers, say like Leake or Arroyo, to immediately pull them if one runner reached, I'd maybe go with Johnny a bit more than that.
He's in Roy Halladay's boat from the other's his to lose if I'm making the call....unless he is having noticeable problems. -
Ironman92He's he has to pitch
mhs95_06That homer was no worse than a single, c'mon Dusty not so quick. What do you bet Coco walks the first batter?
Ironman92I disagree with the move that quickly...but it's definately the safe side of the argument.....but I know how CoCo rolls....he'll either be too careful and walk or too careless and give up the creampuff.
Damn glad Ankiel just missed to end last inning. -
Ironman92Cordero trying to walk Werth...but Werth won't let him.
Ironman92Now he the steal
Ironman92Fell behind...big base hit
Gomes batting -
Ironman92Nats have not been on the good side of the close calls tonight!
Ironman923-1 to Gomes
Ironman92Gomes let a huge 3-1 puff by.....but then hit it in the 5.5 hole...error they call on Janish but moronic next batter swings at an outside first pitch and hit into a DP....Janish with a great turn....Gomes about killed him and Phillips toss was a good bit high.