Probably Griffey Jr.
Primarily because it's seemed that when one baseball player after another got nailed or at least had a finger pointed at them for suspicion, there's been a consistent statement on message boards I've posted on of "That's why Griffey's great...he did his stuff naturally!" due to he and his father's reputation in Cincinnati.
I honestly don't think I'd be personally effected by any player getting nailed. I'd be pissed if a bust led to negative repercussions for one of my teams, but let's face it...PED technology is far superior than PED-catching technology, so I'd guess most players are on something just because they know getting caught is unlikely enough that it's a gamble worth taking. I recently read a column on Yahoo Sports about some PED that comes from deer antlers that's nearly impossible to detect unless you test right around when it was taken. If I was a pro athlete and knew about a non-legal substance that's easy to obtain and very hard to detect, I'd be all over that if I felt it would be helpful to my career, especially when it could be the difference between making millions (or at least hundreds of thousands) or trying to find a "real world" job for peanuts.
The only reason I mention Griffey is not because it would have an emotional impact on me; but because he's the guy who if nailed would generate the most conversation with people I talk to and on message boards I visit because he's this elite guy who people here (at least) put on a pedestal as being above all of this.