Week 12: Indianapolis Colts (10-0) @ Houston Texans (5-5)
killer_ewokThe Texans are up 14-0 early in the 2nd quarter and just picked off Manning in Indy territory. Could the undefeated season end today? Can the Texans get over the hump against Indy? I get the feeling that the Colts will come back and win regardless.
burt0717-0 now. It's amazing how the Texans have such a bad record against the Colts, yet it seems like they ALWAYS have a decent lead against them everytime they play.
tk421They'll find a way to blow it and lose another close one.
tk421Yep, Indy just scored to make it 20 - 14 Texans. The Colts will win this game.
Laley2328-20 now after a Dallas Clark TD and Clint Sessions INT for a TD.
killer_ewokAnd the Colts recover a fumble. On cue. The Texans just can't hold on to a lead against Indy.
wes_mantoothIndy cashes in......up 2 tds now.
HereticMan, Houston blew their load in the first quarter today.
burt07Just classic Houston.
dwccrew^^^And classic Manning. The man is amazing.