
Should Women Live in Fear of Male Athletes

  • Little Danny
    Saw this article on another site. Interesting premise, this may actually eventually fall into the political realm (even though it technically isn't politics).

    With guys like LT, Big Ben, Tiger, et al. running around should women live in fear of male athletes? Do athletes act any worse than men of any other profession? Are they any worse than men as a whole? On the flip side, are these women assuming the risk by hanging out with guys who have a history of acting poorly--- buyer beware, if you will?;_ylu=X3oDMTEzZWhhYXFjBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA1FTU0hfMTEw/SIG=14b3qsems/EXP=1273460547/**http%3a//
  • ZombieKiller
    don't forget about Kobe
  • Heretic
    Yes. That way I'll slide under the radar and be able to strike before being detected!
  • gut
    I think it's the opposite, actually. Pro athletes should live in fear of women, since it appears both allegations against Ben, the one against Kobe and even LT were nothing like made out by the sensationalizing media. And what exactly did Tiger do but cheat on his wife, repeatedly every night it would appear?

    Is it all that surprising that when these guys sleep with hundreds of women, a few might have regrets or a few might see opportunity, especially when the media attacks the athletes and doesn't even speculate as to the motives or truthfulness behind the claims? If you want to talk pattern of behavior, what about the hundreds of women who haven't said squat even after claims have come out against these guys? Most of the women against Tiger were coming forward and being paid by the likes of TMZ. If you want to talk pattern of behavior, and maybe it's too soon for Ben and LT to know, but in cases where guys have been accused of rape, serial rapists and misogynists, other women usually come forward, and usually to police not a lawyer. Women throw themselves at these guys, and while rape is an issue of power if these guys were sexual predators legit accusations would emerge. To me that is telling in that the lack of other cases is probably indicative of regrets/gold digging and if not for the deep pockets and celebrity status these allegations would never have been made in the first place.

    Honestly, until a guy is convicted he should have the same protection afforded the alleged victims in these cases.
  • Bigdogg
    It seems to me that many women stop at nothing to sleep with a professional athlete, sometimes multiple women at the same time. I wonder why female athletes are not the same way.
  • Pick6
    Im sorry, Tiger does not belong in the same sentence as Ben, Kobe, and LT.
  • Heretic
    You just put him in the same sentence as those three, also, man.
  • se-alum
    Lol....considering the number of professional male athletes in this country compared to the number that actually get into trouble, this is a ridiculous argument.
  • 2quik4u
    umm what did kobe do?
  • se-alum
    2quik4u wrote: umm what did kobe do?
    Screwed the wrong chick! :D

    Seriously though, alot of these women see an opportunity to make some money off these athletes. The guys gotta be smart enough to not put themselves in positions to have this happen. It's certainly not fair, but it comes with being a professional athlete.
  • mallymal614
    Heretic wrote: ^^
    You just put him in the same sentence as those three, also, man.
  • gut
    When you consider the average athlete is hooking up with maybe 10X the number of women or more than that of your average male, I don't think the percentage of accusations is any greater than average. And the perception of male athletes as sexual predators might lead to an increase in accusations. I think the McNulty deal in Ben's case was a factor, and what may have been written off as a jerk who used her turns into a rapist who abused her.

    I think if you look at Kobe and Ben, I suspect their celebrity also played a role into coaxing the women into something consensual when they otherwise would have had little problem saying no to Joe Average. But after the fact, when the charm has worn off, the regrets probably set in more severely as well. And that's the risk these guys run when they have random hook-ups with strange women and kick them to the curb when they are done.

    You never know, but is it that far-fetched that at least some of these women are chasing the fantasy of becoming Mrs. Pro Athlete - something I'm sure these guys take advantage of - and then when reality sets in, they want to get even? Do you think all the women who came forward against Tiger were just looking for 15 minutes of fame or a paycheck from TMZ, or do you think maybe at least a few thought they were special and part of the motivation is to get even after finding out Tiger lied to them?
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Only the women in AFC North cities.
  • Little Danny
    Bigdogg wrote: It seems to me that many women stop at nothing to sleep with a professional athlete, sometimes multiple women at the same time. I wonder why female athletes are not the same way.
    I think female athletes sleep with multiple women at the same time as well. Just as long as their fingers don't get tired.:D

    In all seriousness, women chase professional athletes for multiple reasons. One, let's be honest, professional athletes are in much better shape than most regular guys (particularly NBA ballers and RB's and WR's in Football). Women can be superficial as much as men are. Two, a lot of women (particularly women in their 20's) like to date the bad boy. This includes men with an attitude, men who have been in trouble before and men who are married. Three, women do it because they are looking to get paid. In one form or the other, they know that the professional athlete is going to either buy them stuff, and/or when they break off, they will get hush money to keep quiet. If a women is lucky enough to have a child with the guy, then they've hit the lottery. Have you seen the type of child support these guys pay?
  • gut
    Little Danny wrote:If a women is lucky enough to have a child with the guy, then they've hit the lottery. Have you seen the type of child support these guys pay?
    You think a women has ever had second thoughts the moment one of those rare athletes takes a pause to slip on a jimmy cap? A real "oh crap, I don't even get to spin the wheel" moment.
  • thedynasty1998
    I agree with whoever said athletes should be in fear of the women that approach them.
  • SQ_Crazies
    Why try to save people who are stupid enough to fall for tricks? Women, men, whoever...

    Here is a good explanation of what I mean:

    Not defending these asshole guys who use women by any means. But in most cases, the women could have avoided the situation entirely by not being attracted to the money and fame. And just like it's no secret that professional athletes fall into a stereotype in the way they'll treat women, it's no secret that there are plenty of women out there that are just trying to take advantage of some athlete as well.