Uhhh...what the heck...
Heretic...is up with that completely random "Fans of Carmelo Anthony in Utah" commercial I just semi-watched while typing a post here? Seems like a random, bizarre thing...
Hb31187it said Jordan in the bottom right at the end of the commercial
HereticOkay, so it was a product-promotional commercial with a weird slant? I get that. I wasn't really paying attention and just heard the end of it and thought that was really bizarre for a nationally-shown sporting event.
Hb31187Yeah haha i have no clue what the point of it was, but i guess its a Jordan brand commercial haha
HereticI'm guessing the point's that because of being a Jordan brand athlete, Carmelo is popular enough in Utah to supposedly have a group of fans in that state want him to beat the Jazz enough to spend money for an ad spot supporting him.
Which is a moment of awesome cockiness that makes that commercial PURE WIN for me! A national ad that not only supports your group's athlete, but does so in a way that totally demeans the fans of the team he's currently playing against! -
killer_ewokEven Mormons recognize Melo's greatness. LOL