Who's On Top
Upper Arlington dummmmy...hence the nickname GOLDEN BEARTHE4RINGZ wrote:Little Danny wrote: Is from the Golden Bear's home town.
Apple Creek? -
THE4RINGZApple Creek home of the Waynedale Golden Bears. DUH!!!!!
Applestill breaking the rules of 'who's on top?"!!!!
THE4RINGZI didn't realize there are rules.
coyotes22Needs a rules beating!!!
Ok, they are simple,,,,
You post something about the last person to post. Get it?
Hence,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHO'S ON TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!
ernest_t_bassRules explainer.
coyotes22My pal
BRFSet 4RINGZ straight!
UA5straightin2008old man
coyotes22young boy
Devils AdvocateWonders what post says.
Devils AdvocateObservant
THE4RINGZA blank slate is an artist's playground
Devils Advocatecan't see the trees for the forest
ernest_t_bassWrites in light lettering.
UA5straightin2008drives a honda
Devils AdvocateIs a closet Honda fan
THE4RINGZIs still in the closet
AppleGaydar gets set off by DA...
THE4RINGZGaydar is gay
Devils Advocate
Wont drop wallet in TippApple wrote: Gaydar gets set off by DA... -
ernest_t_bassHas dropped wallet in Tipp.
THE4RINGZAnd liked the results
UA5straightin2008wooster lax fan