Who's On Top
Applefunny guy...
THE4RINGZUsing his new VZW charger tonight
BRFImpresses BRF with his rise to Legend status here. Now we have two from little old Wayne County, well 3 if I include RR1!
THE4RINGZHas a very warped perception of what a legend is.
ernest_t_bassImpresses BRF with his rise to Legend status here. Now we have two from little old Wayne County, well 3 if I include RR1!
coyotes22parrot in previous life?
Applecan almost identify people who were birds in a former life
ernest_t_bassUsing his new VZW charger tonight
2quik4uknows where all the cowboys have gone
ernest_t_bassWants to get royalties for boners.
2quik4uis bout to be a shook one
ernest_t_bassIs trying to be a hard ass through an f'ing keyboard.
2quik4utakes this shit too literal
ernest_t_bassThinks I'm taking things literal.
2quik4uthinks i was being serious
coyotes22is in the mood for a "stiff" one
Thread BomberFinger popped through toilet paper and got a piece of ass..
THE4RINGZTaps his feet in the public shitter
coyotes22uses a public shitter?
THE4RINGZIs a shy shitter
coyotes22is a loud shitter
THE4RINGZUnderstands my daily consumption of wings and cheap beer.
coyotes22is a good friend
thePITmanwants to start a HS footbal pick'em.
coyotes22should join said pick-em