Who's On Top
ernest_t_bassLikes the lacrosse team and wishes they would rape him.
coyotes22rapes everyone
THE4RINGZKnows rape isn't funny after his last stint in Stark County.
coyotes22has NICE avatars!!
UA5straightin2008has GHEY avatars!!
ernest_t_bassIs trying to be politically correct by using the tern "ghey," because he does not want to offend his "gay" community.
THE4RINGZThe Mayor of a gay community.
UA5straightin2008president of the tranny community
THE4RINGZActually misses Gary Coleman.
coyotes22actually remembers Gary Coleman
UA5straightin2008has a 9 year old penis like gary coleman
GoChiefsLikes 9 year old's penises
THE4RINGZLoves him some NASCAR.
I am trying to move away from the subject of prepubesent penises. -
ernest_t_bassLoves him (or her) some cake.
THE4RINGZLoves a girl who loves cakes.
GoChiefsLoves cake on 9 year old penises.
coyotes22needs to grow up
GoChiefsAlways shows up when there is penis talk.
coyotes22beats 10 yr olds up
GoChiefsAccording to another thread..spits..doesn't swallow.
THE4RINGZHas a Massillon love interest in Coyotes.
GoChiefs^^^Forgets that coyotes is MY stalker!
THE4RINGZIt's your story, tell it any way you want.
UA5straightin2008likes big butts, and he cannot lie
BRFKnows that BRF is starting to get the hang of this new "thang".