Who's On Top
THE4RINGZDoesn't know when his friends are avoiding him.
coyotes22doesnt know coyotes has no friends
THE4RINGZDoesn't know I have seen his Facebook page and realizes he really is friendless.
THE4RINGZNot as quick as he thinks
coyotes22The most interesting man in the world.
2quik4uwho is quick
coyotes22#14 hater
GoChiefsDoesn't know my phone was on silent mode..so I didn't hear his incoming text message.
coyotes22Overpowerfull MOD
GoChiefsOverly sensitive.
THE4RINGZBelieves ignoring friends lame ads excuses for not returning text messages.
coyotes22Comes and goes from chattering all day
UA5straightin2008i didnt know, but now i know
Big Al CarterLoves Tony Stewart
GoChiefsLoves Erick Howard.
coyotes22Loves Attention
THE4RINGZLoves seeing his own typed words on www.Ohiochatter.com
coyotes22has a different idea of spending, than the wife?
THE4RINGZThinks Perry will win the Federal League in 2010
UA5straightin2008is a fan of the fighting scots
THE4RINGZGives completely unbiased analysis of HS lacrosse games
coyotes22refs lacrosse