
Sleeping pet or pets

  • Belly35
    Where does your pet or pets sleep?

    The 3 year old / 50 pound Goldendoodle jump up in our bed for about 3 minutes and then get down and sleeps in the hallway or under the bedroom window or my bathroon under the window. He moves around a lot at night very lite sleeper.

    Our 14 year old / 70 pound Golden can't make it up the stairs now, so he sleep at the bottom of the stairs or in the family room by the door leading to the patio.
  • Fab4Runner
    My dog sleeps in our room. He lays on the bed for about 5 minutes and then gets down and sleeps on the floor. He has a bed, but he doesn't really use it.
  • friendfromlowry
    We sleep upstairs, cats sleep downstairs. Sometimes in the garage because it's warm out there.
  • iclfan2
    In a crate in the mud room. We would leave her out but it is just easier in the crate. Otherwise she will sit on her perch on the back of the couch and bark at anything outside.
  • Zunardo
    Our current dog sleeps in his crate in the kitchen, he know to go there when he comes back inside after his bed-time jaunt outside to pee and poop. However, if we leave the crate door open and go to bed, he'll tip-toe out and sleep on our couch.

    Our previous dog had a little bed in the kitchen and always went there on his own.

    The dog I had before that would sleep in the hallway outside my bedroom.
  • GOONx19
    Beds on the bedroom floor. We sometimes let the young one hop into bed around 5 am so that she goes back to sleep, otherwise she whines until someone takes her outside.
  • justincredible
    Two dogs sleep in the guest room, one dog sleeps in our room. I don't like the dog sleeping in our room, but he's such an incredible pain in the ass when we put him elsewhere that it's not worth fighting.
  • mcburg93
    Dog sleeps in his bed next to the couch in our living room. Only time he sleeps anywhere else is if it is storming then he is in the bed under the covers shaking.
  • Commander of Awesome
    Cat sleeps wherever she pleases. Sometimes on the bench under the window in the living, sometimes on a pillow on the floor in the bedroom.
  • power i
    Smack dab between my husband and I. Head on my pillow, under the blankets.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Ponies in the pasture
    Horses in their stall
    Dogs in their stall
    1 cat in garage
    2 Cats in the barn
    7 kittens in the barn
    Parakeets in their cage inside
    Chickens in the coop

  • chiefy jones
    Obie sleeps in his little bed.
  • CenterBHSFan
    Two birds (leftovers from my stepfather): They pretty much stay in the cage. My stepfather used to let them fly around a few minutes every day but he's gone, so they are cage-bound.

    The cat: Wherever the hell she wants.
  • Laley23
    Dog sleeps on the bed. Usually between me and my wife.
  • Trueblue23
  • Ironman92
    Our dog goes to bed with wife and when I come to bed he goes and gets in bed with my son.