"Purchased" movies show across all iOS devices, and can be "streamed" (from the cloud) across any iOS device, including AppleTV.
If you rip a movie from a dvd you own, how can you get it to appear in this "Purchased" section, so that you don't have to carry the physical/"soft" copy around with you everywhere you go? The "Purchased" section is the key, because then it will reside in the cloud
There's gotta be a way.
Using a software program (Handbrake) will "rip" the movie from the purchased dvd.... it can then be added to iTunes... but the film will appear in the "Home Video" section of iTunes. This can be changed by simply "right-clicking" on the movie, selecting "Properties", navigating to "Options" section, and then changing the "media kind" from "Home Video" to "Movie". That will get the movie to appear with other purchased movies... but it doesn't get it "in the cloud" so that it can be accessed from other iOS devices (ex: AppleTV).
Example: the movie (i.e., the file, residing locally on a Windows PC) appears in the iTunes Library, but it does not appear under the AppleTV and thus cannot be streamed.
There's gotta be a way around this... no?