Best website for ticket prices?
Ironman92Been tracking All-Star game and Homerun Derby tickets. Stubhub will eventually get low but am not wanting to wait until that morning. We have had good luck recently with Vivid Seats and they are decently lower than stubhub and seem legitimately safe. I checked out and they are the lowest of those I have checked out but reviews don't look great. I'm spending a lot of saved money for 3 tickets to each but if I can safely save a couple hundred dollars total and not have to wait until game day to get them I definitely will. Also do some of these cheaper ones have high unexpected processing charges?
for the derby I'm looking at RF or LF second level seats. RF seats are better but more balls will be going into the Kroger seats. Both are right at $300.
For the game we prefer RF-RCF seats and they are about $485 each.
Thanks for any help you can offer. -
wildcats20Not Seat Geek. I've never used them, but I have never seen a positive review.
Ironman92Thanks...didn't look at them.
rydawg5Stubhub is amazing cause 1hr prior to the event some lister have their pricing on auto decrease. If you can stomach waiting 15-20 minutes before the event the prices will end up being way under face value.
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rydawg5I've also used seat geek and all it does is act like a of tickets they don't actually sell tickets just search many different 3rd party sites including stubhub.
I recommend it as well and I've never been burned.
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Ironman92Oh I've done the last second stubhub thing and had $7 seats in the front row of my preferred OF seats...but we are making this a family stay for Sun-Tues and I just don't want to be that guy that tries to save a lot and then gets burned.
rydawg5I just bought Reds tickets off - They have a big following on Twitter and I got much better prices there than SeatGeek or StubHub. FYI
supermanI buy Reds tickets 6 or 7 times a year on Seat Geek. Never had a problem.
Ironman92I check about every 3 days...will check out the TIQUQ site
Ironman92TiqIQ doesn't have ASG tickets and the tickets on vivid seats have insane charges taking them from $472 apiece to $610
thavoiceWas going to recommend scalping outside the stadium but with it being a family thing that could be tough.