Dawrf got game
[/h][h=1]Dwarf stripper gets bride-to-be pregnant at bachelorette party[/h][h=2]
http://www.krmg.com/news/news/woman-gives-birth-dwarf-strippers-baby-nine-months/nhscg/?icmp=cmgcontent_internallink_relatedcontent_2014_partners1 -
TiernanSounds like she "got a little".
BR1986FBThat's some Jerry Springer shit right there.
BTW, did this "dawrf" ever play for the Breowns? -
TiernanI can't believe she would "stoop so low" to do something like that.
TiernanThe dawrf admitted this chick was a "step up" from his usual action.
SonofanumpI doubt this actually happened.
saltoI bet her husband now has a short tolerance for this type of stuff.