
Bleach shock a well

  • WebFire
    Anyone ever done this? I understand what I need to do, but I am mostly worried about my jet pump over heating. Is that a concern when I flush the system?

    Any other DOs or DON'Ts?
  • Devils Advocate
    Designate 1 t oilet to use and only use tat one.

    Dump in well when you get home from work. Let set in well over night.

    Do not use hot water until you flush. You dont want tht shit i n your hot water tank.

    Next day run water from outside spicket if you can. If not the bathtub works best. Run the pump 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off until smell disappears.

    Still do nit run hot water. Wait 2 hours.

    Run 20 on and 20 off until you cant smell chlori ne.

  • Mohican00
    you got scUM growing in your well?

  • mcburg93
    If you have a septic system do not run much of the water through the house lines. I would run most of it out on the driveway or into a ditch. Large amounts of chlorine is bad for septic systems. After treating the well you will want to run a hose if you can and circulate the water from the well back to the well casing until you smell chlorine. You can let it sit as little as six hours. If you have copper house lines I do not recommend flushing the house lines. Chlorine and copper do not mix well. Also make sure you bypass your water softner.
  • WebFire
    Thanks all. Due to the type of smell, I am having a water company come and see if we can locate the source. While there, they will chlorinate the system. I know the jist of it, but even something this simple you see a lot of different opinions about things.