
"We discovered donating wasn't against our religion..."

  • Tiernan
    Have you seen this commercial about organ donation? My question - Are there religions that DON'T allow organ donation? I pretty much snicker at all religious practice, but if there is some idiotic church reason for not donating a dead family's members organs to help a LIVING person, this might be a whole new level of stupid.
  • queencitybuckeye
    Starting to shop around for a liver?
  • Heretic
    Well, since there have been religious jackoffs who've let their kid die because they don't believe in doctors and medicine, so I could imagine there are religious jackoffs who don't believe in organ donation, too.
  • Tiernan
    Heretic you obviously are right (never thought I'd say those words) but WHAT religions are they? I'm guessing some kind of Fundamental Christian Crazies or maybe the Moozlum Nut Jobs?
  • sherm03
    I think it was a misconception in the Jewish faith. Some people really stick to the Jewish Law that a body needs to be buried whole. It's just like any other religion. Some people realize that rule is stupid and archaic, while others claim that since it's the law it must be followed and you can't donate an organ because then the body isn't whole.
  • thavoice
    Tiernan;1519666 wrote:Have you seen this commercial about organ donation? My question - Are there religions that DON'T allow organ donation? I pretty much snicker at all religious practice, but if there is some idiotic church reason for not donating a dead family's members organs to help a LIVING person, this might be a whole new level of stupid.
    Not sure what religions say you cant but think I heard a few do.

    A little off topic but everyone should make their feelings known in some sort of living will document about your intentions when it comes to donating organs, etc. You may say your spouse knows your intentions and will oblige by them if the time comes to pull the plug/donate organs. The thing with that is when the time comes and it is someone else's decision you never know how they will act and feel about actually doing it. Take the decision out of a loved ones hands and have it in writing.

    A friend of mine a few months ago was severly paralyzed and could only respond basically by blinks. He didnt have a living will or anything, but was lucid enough to answer questions by blinking. In a matter of a day he decided to pull the plug on himself, and have his organs donated. If he wasnt lucid enough to respond that decision would have been the burden on his family. I could not believe the courage that took for him. It is much easier to have it in a living will when you are fine, but man to decide taht knowing within hours you were be dead would be extremely tough to make.

    Great, great kid.

    but anyways.........
  • Commander of Awesome
    queencitybuckeye;1519692 wrote:Starting to shop around for a liver?
  • ernest_t_bass
    Heretic;1519693 wrote:Well, since there have been religious jackoffs who've let their kid die because they don't believe in doctors and medicine, so I could imagine there are religious jackoffs who don't believe in organ donation, too.
    Had a kid in school a few years back who had terrible eye sight, and couldn't see the board. Parents refused to get him glasses, and said they'd rely on prayer to fix his eyesight.
  • OSH
    Tiernan;1519666 wrote:Have you seen this commercial about organ donation? My question - Are there religions that DON'T allow organ donation? I pretty much snicker at all religious practice, but if there is some idiotic church reason for not donating a dead family's members organs to help a LIVING person, this might be a whole new level of stupid.
    The one that is "known" as refusing this sort of stuff is Jehovah's Witnesses. They refuse any and all of it...even blood transfusions. If you go through with it, receiving primarily, you will be excommunicated.

    I would have to do some digging up, but I also wonder about Mormonism, Scientology (they have their silent birth and are against many medications), and numerous others like Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.

    The traditional Christian and Catholic denominations are not against organ donation.
  • ernest_t_bass
    queencitybuckeye;1519692 wrote:Starting to shop around for a liver?
  • ernest_t_bass
    queencitybuckeye;1519692 wrote:Starting to shop around for a liver?
  • ernest_t_bass
    queencitybuckeye;1519692 wrote:Starting to shop around for a liver?
  • Commander of Awesome
    queencitybuckeye;1519692 wrote:Starting to shop around for a liver?
  • GOONx19
    There was a Jehovah's Witness 10ish year old in our hospital who needed a blood transfusion or he would've died for sure. His parents refused to be the ones to okay it due to religion, but said they would support it. We had to call some judge at 3 am and have him declare the physician a legal guardian so the he could make the decision to give the plasma. It was stupid and almost cost the kid his life.
  • Tiernan
    Ok I killed a bum in an alley tonight and took his liver now you can all STFU.
  • #1DBag
  • Pick6
    queencitybuckeye;1519692 wrote:Starting to shop around for a liver?
    this may end up being the most repped post of all time
  • believer
    OSH;1519736 wrote:The traditional Christian and Catholic denominations are not against organ donation.
    This. Even my Bible-thumping narrow-minded fairytale believing Jesus-loving evangelical hallelujah amen church supports organ donation.

    : thumbup:
  • friendfromlowry
    GOONx19;1519887 wrote:There was a Jehovah's Witness 10ish year old in our hospital who needed a blood transfusion or he would've died for sure. His parents refused to be the ones to okay it due to religion, but said they would support it. We had to call some judge at 3 am and have him declare the physician a legal guardian so the he could make the decision to give the plasma. It was stupid and almost cost the kid his life.
    Your last sentence is how 99% of people would sum this up, but JW's are intensely devoted to rejecting the notion of transfusions. What's equally ridiculous is if they had accepted, they risked being shunned by others within their culture.
  • O-Trap
    #1DBag;1519964 wrote:
    Peace be upon second helpings. All Hail his meatballs and extra sauce. Bless His Noodley Goodness forever and ever. R'amen.
  • cruiser_96
    Are we allowed to afford individuals the freedom to make up their own minds concerning this matter?

    It seems to me that if someone espouses the existence of God on here, or in the news, or in life in general, that person is seen as a sub-level human. Even if their views are consistent with their faith, they are still a "doucher". This confuses me. I'm still trying to figure out how nothing can create something and I get blamed for being a religious tool devoid of any rational thought-making/problem solving devices. And while I'm not offended by it, I am puzzled by it.

    All that to say, "Give me liver-T or give me death!!!"

    ps: my God made something by stating "Let there be..." You can have whatever you want! Christ fulfilled the old law and brought a new law! Dispensations are real.
  • dlazz
    ccrunner609;1520145 wrote:I donated a organ to your mom!

    Boom, roasted
    She probably rejected it.