
Mosquito Problems

  • OSH
    Anyone else have them?

    I am trying to come up with a way to get rid of them as much as I can. After numerous searches and reviews, I figure I won't even try the "Mosquito Trap" that Pinterest has made famous. It's a concoction of brown sugar, yeast, water, and mixed in a pop bottle.

    We've got them miserable. Sprays only last so long. Anyone else have any good tips or tricks?
  • I Wear Pants
    Dryer sheets.
  • Heretic
    Aerosol can + lighter. Fry anything that flies within 10 feet of you. And gives the neighbors something to talk about, especially if you're running around the yard screaming about how everything needs to DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!
  • mcburg93
    Burn a cow patty when ever you are outside. That will keep them away.