Backing Your Car Into Parking Space?
Horrible correlation.Wally;1365699 wrote:I've been told that HR guys ask this in job interviews. If you back inot the space it means you are more interested in leaving as fast as you can instead of getting to work as fast as you can. -
I knew a guy who was rough as hell. (Was in a gang when he was younger and then moved out in the country because he doesn't like people) He bought a new car and always parked way out in parking lots so nobody would be close to him. One day he walked out of the store and someone had parked real close to him to be funny. He moved his car, got out and keyed the guys car all the way around. He definitely over reacted, but I don't understand why some people go out of there way to antagonize people they don't know.GoChiefs;1364946 wrote:I have done this, to the extent when I came out about 45 minutes later, the bitch was just standing there waiting because she couldn't get in her car. -
Yeah, most HR guys I have ever known are a bunch of j/o's anyways so I wouldnt doubt they would say something like that. If they had half a brain they would see it as someone who THINKS AHEAD. OR they could see it as someone who gets their a little bit earlier and not someone running late and pullint in as quickly as possible.Wally;1365699 wrote:I've been told that HR guys ask this in job interviews. If you back inot the space it means you are more interested in leaving as fast as you can instead of getting to work as fast as you can.
Either way...H/R people are fn retarded -
I'm with you. It's not funny or cute when people park too close to you. They're just being assholes. If someone does that to me (on purpose) they deserve what is coming to them.FatHobbit;1365822 wrote: He definitely over reacted, but I don't understand why some people go out of there way to antagonize people they don't know. -
Because you're intentionally being an asshole by taking up 2 parking spaces.FatHobbit;1365822 wrote:but I don't understand why some people go out of there way to antagonize people they don't know. -
A) Take note of the license plate number of the car you park really close to.dlazz;1365831 wrote:I'm with you. It's not funny or cute when people park too close to you. They're just being assholes. If someone does that to me (on purpose) they deserve what is coming to them.
B) Only an idiot's going to do something like that in a nice car. Obviously, if I'm in my good car, as sure as hell won't be looking to give someone a reason to do something to it. -
That wouldn't hold up in court, if that's what you're implying.GoChiefs;1365848 wrote:A) Take note of the license plate number of the car you park really close to. -
GameoverIn parking garages, especially at a special event, I back in so I can get out and not wait for the rush to be over. I will inch out to until the other person gives, or make a quick move when they don't move quick enough.
No, I'm implying that at least I can find out who did it.dlazz;1365852 wrote:That wouldn't hold up in court, if that's what you're implying. -
I guess, but there's also no guarantee that is who did it. Someone could ding your car, then simply move to a different spot.GoChiefs;1365854 wrote:No, I'm implying that at least I can find out who did it. -
I agree it's an asshole move to take up two spaces, but I'm not sure what you gain out of messing with them and it just seems (to me) like it's going to make things much worse without really any benefit. I get that some people think differently.GoChiefs;1365847 wrote:Because you're intentionally being an asshole by taking up 2 parking spaces. -
O-Trapdlazz;1365755 wrote:Some dickhead did this to me at work the other day, except he made a conscious effort to park close to me and THEN hit my car door with his, leaving a scratch.
Ah, see, that guy's a moron. If you do this, you're supposed to do it in such a way that your driver-side door is facing AWAY from the other guy's car, so you still have enough room to get out easily.
dlazz;1365831 wrote:If someone does that to me (on purpose) they deserve what is coming to them.
I feel the same way about the guy who takes up two spots on purpose.
I don't get why someone would do it for kicks, though. That just seems dumb.
I'm trying to fit two vehicles into two spaces. That's how the spaces work.FatHobbit;1365983 wrote:I agree it's an asshole move to take up two spaces, but I'm not sure what you gain out of messing with them and it just seems (to me) like it's going to make things much worse without really any benefit. I get that some people think differently.
Plus, I think it's funny if they have to crawl through the passenger side just because they pulled a dick move. Perhaps they will stop doing it if they are inconvenienced enough. -
Commander of Awesome
There's a special layer in hell for ppl like this.FatHobbit;1365822 wrote:I knew a guy who was rough as hell. (Was in a gang when he was younger and then moved out in the country because he doesn't like people) He bought a new car and always parked way out in parking lots so nobody would be close to him. One day he walked out of the store and someone had parked real close to him to be funny. He moved his car, got out and keyed the guys car all the way around. He definitely over reacted, but I don't understand why some people go out of there way to antagonize people they don't know. -
bigkahunaI only parking close to the a holes who take up 2 spots if it's in the general parking area. If he wants to take up 2 spots in the last row of the lot and have 10 open spaces next to him, then more power to you.
This is true.bigkahuna;1366279 wrote:I only parking close to the a holes who take up 2 spots if it's in the general parking area. If he wants to take up 2 spots in the last row of the lot and have 10 open spaces next to him, then more power to you.