It's a low %, but then so is the potential to actually need them removed because of REAL (not potential, even with impacted) problems
What? You don't think after 30+ years I don't know my business? I said
cost/benefit/ risk and that's a discussion that should take place between patient and doctor before ANY surgery.
Therein lays the problem. They aren't exactly objective with a non-vested interest on the subject. The vast majority of these procedures ARE non-asymptomatic
Sorry, but the dental industry is rife with upselling and recommending non-essential (worthless, in some cases) procedures and tests.
That's paints with a very broad brush. I am sure that there may be some incidents, but that's a cheap shot to to use the word 'rife'. Dentists that engage in that sort of behaviour are subject to disciplinary action and potential forfeiture of licensure by the State Dental Board. You can be pretty sure that when your family dentist is recommending wisdom teeth removal he is doing so because he think that's best. Most family dentists are going to refer wisdom teeth extractions to an outside oral surgeon's office....and NO they are not getting kickbacks because that is a violation of ethics and law. If you don't trust your dentist to give you an honest recommendation, then you should find another dentist.