
In case anyone is looking for cheap domain names ...

  • O-Trap
    I just ran across a domain name for 75 cents if you aren't yet a customer of Network Solutions.

    I was bummed out to find you could only get one per account, and they called less than five minutes after I signed up to pitch me on other stuff (of course), but in case any of my fellow Chatterites were looking, I thought I'd share.

    Just an FYI.
  • SportsAndLady
    Damn..a client of mine at work was asking if I had any places to get a cheap domain name...that's incredibly clutch. Thanks!
  • I Wear Pants
    I think I paid a buck fidy for my domains from Namecheap. If you look around there's always places having sales.

    Working on a wordpress portfolio thing right now which is frustrating as someone with little web experience.