
If you know of a Family in Need this Holiday Season

  • Scarlet_Buckeye
    Last year this law firm sponsored a family in need during the holidays and gave the family $1,500 to help brighten their holiday. They are now making this an annual tradition. This year they are going to help 2 families, giving each family $1,000. If you know of a family struggling this holiday season, this is one way to possibly get them a little help.

  • Heretic
    I could use some cool shit. Who wants to be my "family", so we can split the cash?
  • password
    Will Justin and the OC be adopting a family this Christmas? We always try and help struggling families during the holidays, everyone needs a little help sometime and for the parents that get to see their children enjoying Christmas morning, that is priceless. Here is an idea... when you are out Christmas shopping this year, look around the store and pick out a family that you can tell needs help, get behind them in line and when it is time for them to pay for their gifts, take care of it for them, wish them a Merry Christmas and walk away.