Ohio State's Mark Titus on the BS Report (Bill Simmons)
stroupsDamn, I didn't know Turner was that big of a head case his freshman year. He sure has done a lot of maturing since.
Big GainTitus is dating an older woman? A former Ohio State cheerleader in grad school. The perks of being famous .
CinciX12That is the first time I have ever listened to the BS Report and heard Simmons talk. He has a kind of girly quality in his voice.
lhslep134Cinci, I thought the SAME thing. I never expected him to have that kind of voice. Not that it's a bad thing, just completely unexpected.
CinciX12He seems like that big guy you'd expect to have a deep voice. Definitely different.
Laley23Looks like a guy whod have a high voice to me, lol
jordo212000Yeah in all honesty his voice caught me off guard too, the first time. I always enjoy Simmons stuff. I catch a few podcasts per week
MulvaThat was the first time I'd ever heard his voice too. I didn't really think it was girly, but it did annoy the shit out of me.