
President Obama's Bracket

  • september63
    I posted this before. It has been on ESPN regularly updating it. I did NOT ever make this thread political, yet it was moved to Politics. Shortly after LJ deleted it because in his words, He had no use for it? WTF?? Are we overstepping our Moderator boundries here? Ive laid off my Mod bashing for cpl months, but a few of you dickheads are pissing me off again.
  • Cleveland Buck
  • Cleveland Buck
    The only posts of a political nature permitted in this thread are those in favor of health care reform. All others will be deleted on the spot.
  • 2kool4skool
  • september63
    It is a THREAD referring to the President. IT is a THREAD about college basketball!! If the President can fill out a bracket on ESPN, the we can discuss it here!! It isnt a political thread. SO any of you political Mods are welcome to read and post on it. Deleting it, or moving it is absurd. Ive not once made a post making this political, i expect this to stay here.
  • I Wear Pants
    Yeah, can we be adults and discuss Obama's bracket without talking about politics?

    If you can't do that just don't post.
  • Cleveland Buck
    No one gives a fuck about Obama's bracket. The guy is a clown.
  • I Wear Pants
    I Wear Pants wrote: Yeah, can we be adults and discuss Obama's bracket without talking about politics?

    If you can't do that just don't post.
  • Cleveland Buck
    Ok boss.
  • CinciX12
    Obama is clearly a socialist. He picked Pitt over Xavier. What a tool.
  • Cleveland Buck
    I Wear Pants wrote:
    I Wear Pants wrote: Yeah, can we be adults and discuss Obama's bracket without talking about politics?

    If you can't do that just don't post.
  • Cleveland Buck
    Come one Cinci. Where is the serious discussion about Obama's bracket?
  • Heretic
    Sweet Jebus...I hate people sometimes...

    The reason I moved the thread was because, regardless of the intention of the OP, it had turned political with posts being altered due to their politicalness and things being brought up such as mods possibly favoring one side. I figured if people wanted to use a thread about the president's bracket to bring up political stuff, the thread should be on that forum.

    It's kind of a simple thing: if you want to comment about Obama's bracket, do so here. If you want to comment on Obama's politics, do so on the political forum. If you want to mix Obama's college basketball bracket with his politics, this will be moved to the political forum. If posts are being deleted/altered due to political commentary and other people are upset due to feeling one political belief is being censored while another is being allowed to stand...that says to me that this topic is not working out on a non-political board.
  • I Wear Pants
    Cleveland Buck wrote: Come one Cinci. Where is the serious discussion about Obama's bracket?
    Jesus you're a dick.

    He was making a joke. You on the other hand are just trying to be an asshole.

    On-Topic: I think Obama's bracket is probably going to start sinking in the % rankings because two of his final four are already out.
  • SQ_Crazies
    I don't see why it shouldn't be moved to politics, it deals with the President. Not sure how you can hope to discuss his bracket without it getting political. What the hell is there to discuss anyways? Who cares what his bracket looks you want to be able to say that your bracket is better than his or something? I mean, first of all it's a big giant crap shoot. But second of all, yours should be better--he's got more important things to worry about than which upsets to pick in college basketball.
  • j_crazy
    what's barack's bracket look like? it's probably fubar, like mine.
  • I Wear Pants
    SQ_Crazies wrote: I don't see why it shouldn't be moved to politics, it deals with the President. Not sure how you can hope to discuss his bracket without it getting political. What the hell is there to discuss anyways? Who cares what his bracket looks you want to be able to say that your bracket is better than his or something? I mean, first of all it's a big giant crap shoot. But second of all, yours should be better--he's got more important things to worry about than which upsets to pick in college basketball.
    Obama is a person.

    When we speak about his job and all that entails, it's a political discussion.

    If we're just talking about his NCAA bracket or the type of soda he prefers or something, it isn't political discussion.

    I don't see why it's so hard to understand that. If no one cares then this thread will just disappear off the front page of the forum, however, maybe some people are interested in seeing how his bracket turns out. Not that big of a deal to me.