
Want to join my March Madness office pool?

  • thePITman
    My father and I have run a March Madness office pool for over 10 years, now. We average between 250 and 300 entrants each year. It is $5 per entry, and we have been paying out 8 spots the last few years. (If you choose to do more than 1 bracket, that is fine, but we limit it to 3 per person.) Printable/faxable/emailable brackets (PDF and XLS formats) as well as updated "Current Standings" for the pick'em can all be found at our web site:

    If you wish to participate, feel free to PM me or send me an email at [email protected] for questions/answers or more information. Money and brackets are due (or have to be postmarked by) noon on Thursday.