
Michigan's Stadium Renovations

  • bigkahuna
    I will agree that it is cramped in there. If you don't sit knees together with your hands tucked into the middle, you're going to be cramped. If everyone in your row doesn't do this, your seat literally disappears. For the OSU game this year. There was a bigger guy (I'm a big guy, but I abide by the rules above), who decided to "sprawl" out. There was also a group of 6-7 OLD people who had the leather chair things that have the back and hook underneath the bleacher (I think only a few of them had it), and my wife's seat was literally non-existent. Everyone was standing at the beginning of the game, but us and the couple next to us had to sit down (Even though the 80 rows below us were still standing). My wife had to sit on my lap for about 1/2 the game. At halftime we figured out that she could get her seat if she sat when everyone stood, thus making everyone conform to the sitting rules I mentioned above.

    To sum it up, yes it is very very cramped, but there really is not a bad seat in the entire place (view wise). Stuff outside the stadium sucks (parking, traffic before and AFTER), but the stadium itself is great (besides the cramping).

    I've only been to 3 College Stadiums (2 were MAC schools), so I don't know how good/bad other places are. Those who have been to multiple ones, could you elaborate or give some comparisons to Michigan Stadium, to kind of give us who haven't been there some visuals.
  • Sonofanump
    Worst seating stadium I have personally been in.
  • WebFire
    It is cramped, but I think the same of all major stadiums I've been to. Is Michigan Stadium worse? Perhaps. But I've been to 5 games and have always sat in my seat, and so have my wife or friends, and it was never so bad I thought the place was a shit hole.
  • tbdbitl_osu
    Michigan Stadium= Largest Stadium
    Largest Stadium= Quietest Stadium
    Quietest Stadium= Shit Hole
    Shit Hole= Ann Arbor, Michigan
    Ann Arbor= OSU 2nd Home
  • darbypitcher22

  • insuranceguy
    WebFire wrote: It is cramped, but I think the same of all major stadiums I've been to. Is Michigan Stadium worse? Perhaps. But I've been to 5 games and have always sat in my seat, and so have my wife or friends, and it was never so bad I thought the place was a shit hole.
    Have you been to other stadiums? From your comments I'm assuming no. Like I said I've been to quit a few and Michigan is the worst and it not even close. Go to other stadiums and see for yourself. Many on here have said this but I guess you choose to ignore that.
  • WebFire
    insuranceguy wrote:
    Have you been to other stadiums? From your comments I'm assuming no. Like I said I've been to quit a few and Michigan is the worst and it not even close. Go to other stadiums and see for yourself. Many on here have said this but I guess you choose to ignore that.
    So a few OSU fans on an Ohio message board think it's a shit hole. But if you go to general college football boards Michigan is always talked about when discussing the best stadiums.

    So, yeah, I guess I am ignoring and just leaving this off-track thread. I don't really care what anyone thinks of it anyway.
  • Archie
    I have been to over a dozen college stadiums and about as many pro stadiums. The rennovations at Michigan are very classy looking and the stadium is awe inspiring when you first walk in. It is an amazing site, but it is by far the worst stadium I have been in to watch a game. In fact, I was pushed up against the camera man who filmed the infamous Desmond Howard heisman pose. The poor camera man even had to rub elbows with me. The restrooms are rediculous. Like someone else mentioned, it was much better when they had the troughs. I hope the new structures at least triple the amount of restrooms... if not, it is a major mistake.

    Penn State is awful looking from the outside (erector set), but is a great place to watch a game. Since its renovations, Ohio Stadium is the best atmosphere to watch a game... go on the Texas blogs, those people will tell you the same thing and they have been to Nebraska and some other impressive places. The major drawback to Ohio Stadium is the abundance of obnoxious fans. I know every place has em, but I think we take the cake in Ohio. They have ruined games for me and I am an Ohio State fan.

  • WebFire
    Ok, Michigan Stadium is a shithole. Please stay away from it. :)
  • KnightXC1
    Been to a few games there and at many other stadiums and it is far from a shithole. Doyt Perry in BG is a shithole, Kansas is a shithole, Eastern Michigan is a shithole. Never felt cramped at any game at the Big House and always was in my seat. We stood for the ND game this year and I was with a friend of mine who is a large person and we both had plenty of room. Can't speak on OSU since I have never seen a game there (will this year) but there are plenty of worse stadiums than Michigan.
  • bigkahuna
    I'm not going to argue that Michigan is worse/better than other stadiums because the only other stadiums I've been to are

    The Doyt in BG-I went to BG

    The Glass Bowl-only 2x

    Paul Brown Stadium-2 Bengals-Steelers games-Great time, and not a bad seat in the entire place. I usually don't like the chair backs, but these were alright.

    As I asked before, give me an example of Michigan and other places you have been. Not just "I've been to Michigan and it's a shit hole"
    I guess I'm asking for measurements in a way. If you had "this much" space at Michigan, how "much" did you have at other places?

    Maybe someday, I'll be able to experience some other Big 10 Stadiums, but until then, I have to take your word for it.
  • ytownfootball
    There are plenty of examples of Michigan stadium being ranked in the top 10 places to see a football game all over the web (this would surprise me that none of you have posted these links, but after all, you are Michigan fans so...) It's not an enjoyable venue to watch a game, and I'm sure those rankings are based soley on volume.

    I don't blame you for being defensive, but post a couple links to substantiate your argument, or do we as Ohio State fans have to do that for you too? ;)
  • bigkahuna
    I would, but I'm not necessarily disagreeing with anyone on here, so I'm not going to. It's cramed, I agree; I just don't think it's a big ole pile of shit.
  • WebFire
    ytownfootball wrote: There are plenty of examples of Michigan stadium being ranked in the top 10 places to see a football game all over the web (this would surprise me that none of you have posted these links, but after all, you are Michigan fans so...) It's not an enjoyable venue to watch a game, and I'm sure those rankings are based soley on volume.

    I don't blame you for being defensive, but post a couple links to substantiate your argument, or do we as Ohio State fans have to do that for you too? ;)
    So we should post links to defend a stadium? But you don't have to post any links to bash it?

    Do you really think I have time, or care enough, to surf the web to "prove" to OSU fans that my favorite team's stadium is not a shithole?
  • ptown_trojans_1
    Vast improvement. I actually like it. Not as awful as it once was. Still the toilet bowl though.
  • insuranceguy
    Again it looks great. But its the most cramped stadium by far. You dont hear this about any other stadium to this degree. Looks of the stadium mean nothing if you cant enjoy a game as many people addressed on here. Most of the places I have been give you around double the space Michigan does. Even some die hard michigan fans I know wont go to home games because it is so cramped. If you went to a concert and it was this cramped you would say the arena was a shit hole. So????
  • ytownfootball
    WebFire wrote:
    ytownfootball wrote: There are plenty of examples of Michigan stadium being ranked in the top 10 places to see a football game all over the web (this would surprise me that none of you have posted these links, but after all, you are Michigan fans so...) It's not an enjoyable venue to watch a game, and I'm sure those rankings are based soley on volume.

    I don't blame you for being defensive, but post a couple links to substantiate your argument, or do we as Ohio State fans have to do that for you too? ;)
    So we should post links to defend a stadium? But you don't have to post any links to bash it?

    Do you really think I have time, or care enough, to surf the web to "prove" to OSU fans that my favorite team's stadium is not a shithole?
    But you've already spent so much time defending it, so I thought maybe you'd have a little more interest...

    Here's my proof..

  • WebFire
    ytownfootball wrote:
    But you've already spent so much time defending it, so I thought maybe you'd have a little more interest...

    Here's my proof..

    Trust me, I haven't spent much time at all. But I will accept your proof.

    Michigan Stadium = shithole.
  • bigkahuna

    I'll bite. Above I found 2 articles that place Michigan Stadium in the top 10 of best stadiums.

  • said_aouita
    Pretty fancy hole in the ground.
  • NOL fan
    WebFire wrote: So, yeah, I guess I am ignoring and just leaving this off-track thread. I don't really care what anyone thinks of it anyway.

    I love it when people make a statement like this and then comment on the thread multiple times afterwards
  • WebFire

    I love it when people think that commenting on a thread means you are defensive about something.

    Did you read the whole 2 posts I made after that statement? Oh I guess this would be 3. I better stop or I might care!
  • NOL fan
    my post had nothing to with whether or not you are defensive or care and everything to do with me finding it funny when people say "I'm done with this thread" and then still continue to post (regardless of what it was)
  • TolCentralCath
    All these Buckeye fans are making me crazy with their jealousy because Michigan has the biggest stadium in the nation!

    And the Big House just got even better with the new renovations. Dang, those press boxes are amazing! I love the new renovation.
  • Zombienation
    GO BLUE!