
Is College Football more accurate with replay?

  • athlete37
    Given all the calls that have been overturned seemingly in error, would you consider the accuracy of this year's college football calls to be better than they would be without replay?
  • 3reppom
    Is it more accurate than it would be without replay, beyond a shadow of a doubt yes. But the replay system is still prone to the same human errors that regular officiating is. Everyone focuses on the "indisputable video evidence" part of the language of the rule but that isn't the issue. The more relevant language of the rule is that the presented evidence must convince the replay official only. Once he pages down to the referee his opinion is the only one that matters and the game is in that persons hand.
  • LJ
    I'd like to see actual studies on it. I am sure the NCAA has done some, but we will never know the results seeing as how the NCAA is a private org and doesn't really have to answer to anyone.