
Smoking gun at Texas Tech?

  • Skyhook79
    Looks like they were plotting a plan to fire Leach a year ago.

    Emails sent between AD and President of TT.
  • jordo212000
    For some reason I can't get the link to work. Mike Leach just became a very rich man though, if true.
  • karen lotz
    Not working for me either
  • osu99
    TT was fed up with him if I remember because he was openly looking at other jobs because he couldn't get his deal straight. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • Skyhook79
    ccrunner609 wrote: I dont see a smoking gun here, jsut admin talking about contracts and how they work
    Read the email from Jim Sowell to Kent Hance about the 4th one down.

    "I hope he doesn't sign the contract that way when we fire him a year from now we won't owe him any money"
  • Red_Skin_Pride
    ESPN's been talking about this openly since this whole situation came up Skyhook. They didn't want him back last year, because of a combination of his attitude (the way he comes off as very blunt and sometimes even rude) and the fact that he basically was like "screw you guys, I'm going to look for another job". However, he didn't get the job (it was at Washington I believe, they hired Sarkisian before Leach got to talk too much to them) and Texas Tech needed a coach, so they had to sign him to a new contract. He's not stupid, he knew they really didn't like him there too much, so he wouldn't sign anything less than the current year/amount his contract is for so if they DID fire him this year, they'd owe him a decent amount of money. It's not a "smoking gun", it's more of the fact as ESPN has reported, that they didn't want him to come back after LAST season, but they had little choice due to lack of options, it's more of the fact that they were likely going to fire him after this season anyway; the Admin I guess thought the James situation would give them a "reason" to fire him that wouldn't look completely dumb. Now that most of the details have come out, it looks dumb's like a marriage where one partner is just looking for a reason to leave or kick the other person out. They don't want to man up and just say the real reason they fired him is because they think he's an asshole and they don't want him representing their program anymore, they want to use a small reason, make it in to something huge and use that as a cover reason to get out of it.
  • ohiotiger33
  • BCSbunk
    IF they did not want him they should have never signed him. It shows the TT brass are blithering idiots and now they will have to pay out the money anyways. This should be a slam dunk with a nice large settlement for Leach. Hell they might get them on defamation of character if this is a bunch of made up exaggerated nonsense. Which is where I am leaning towards.
  • Hesston
    Dudes already rich, some other school will pick him up
  • darbypitcher22
    if he sues he could be a real rich man.

    Of course, when Craig James sues for defamation after the ESPN interview he could lose a lot of money...
  • Skyhook79
    darbypitcher22 wrote: if he sues he could be a real rich man.

    Of course, when Craig James sues for defamation after the ESPN interview he could lose a lot of money...
    How did he defame James?
  • rocket31
    darbypitcher22 wrote: if he sues he could be a real rich man.

    Of course, when Craig James sues for defamation after the ESPN interview he could lose a lot of money...
    lol, you are an idiot.
  • sjmvsfscs08
    I hope Mike Leach gets a lawyer and takes Texas Tech and the James family to the cleaners!
  • Paladin
    Leach is being back-up all the way -- team physican, trainers, assist. coaches and phone recordings of demands from James. "Cause" is destroyed with their testimony.
  • GoPens
    darbypitcher22 wrote: if he sues he could be a real rich man.

    Of course, when Craig James sues for defamation after the ESPN interview he could lose a lot of money...
    James is the one who should be getting an attorney to defend him against the lawsuit that Leach should be filing against him.
  • derek bomar
    GoPens wrote:
    darbypitcher22 wrote: if he sues he could be a real rich man.

    Of course, when Craig James sues for defamation after the ESPN interview he could lose a lot of money...
    James is the one who should be getting an attorney to defend him against the lawsuit that Leach should be filing against him.
    ^^^ this...Leach should sue James for every penny that guy has... what a tool this kid was. He was never put into harms way and was probably helped by getting him out of the sun and into an air-conditioned room with ice and no sun. Craig James needs to quit meddling. What a Pussy
  • GeneralsIcer89
    Had a feeling at the start of this that Leach was in the right. The cell phone vid was all I needed to see to think the entire story was a lie. Hope Leach has a field day in court against both TTU and James. Enjoy the black eye, ESPN!
  • BCSbunk
    Too bad Texas Tech has no integrity like South Florida. It has taken a backburner to this situation, but Leavitt is under investigation for allegedly striking and harming players. You know, something that really does HARM someone.

    S. Florida did not suspend him they are checking into the situation to make sure they are not punishing an innocent man. If Leach is found to have done what is accused then S Florida will take action. They are handling things in a professional manner and not in a knee jerk idiotic emotional fashion.

    I hope Texas Tech fades to obscurity like they were before Leach arrived.
  • 77Legend
    Wow, fired him a tad bit early huh?
  • thedynasty1998
    I keep calling the James kid and his dad pussies, because that's what they are.

    I hope Leach sues the James family more so than Texas Tech. But from what we have heard from Leach, he'll probably go after both.

    I just hope ESPN fires James.
  • Preacher
    The pusifying of American Sports has how reached College Athletics. All I can say is WOW! Sad
  • LJ
    Craig James statement on ESPN was hilarious...

    "waaaaaaaaaah, my pussy hurts, we are victims, waaah, victims, waaaah, bleeding pussy, waaah, we're victims"
  • september63
    For what its worth. TT team Trainer and DR.'s legal depositions released and both of them contradict what Mike Leach had said. The Dr. says he never recommended this as a treatment. The Trainer says he was doing what Mike Leach instructed him to do. I agree it seems Craig James was playing his celebrity card, but who knows?
  • Swamp Fox
    He said he was a "bleeding pussy???" I honestly don't know what to think about this episode. At first I thought that the Coach was a Neanderthal throwback who was bullying and obtoose and had no social skills or multi-syllabic abilities. Then as I listened to the father of the player on TV, I got an entirely different feeling about the whole episode. When I was introduced to the actual player involved in this event, I got the feeling I was looking at a very protected, almost shielded person who had not had to do much for himself in his life. Consequently, I am back to square one but I think if push came to shove, based only on what I have described here, I would be leaning slightly in the direction of the Coach. Coach seems to have quite a bit of support within the team and other coaches. that, of course, doesn't make the coaches' version the absolute truth either. What a collossal mess!!!
  • FairwoodKing
    I don't like Leach but I hate TT. I have no respect for any school that would hire Bobby Knight.