
Georgia fan responds to a player's whining facebook post

  • karen lotz
    Got this off another board, but its pretty good.

    Cornelius Washington's comments on facebook earlier re: Crowell's troubles and subsequent dismissal:
    "'all(of you) think you know so much, but in reality you know nothing. You
    don't know what we come from, you don't know our struggles, all you know
    is the number on our jersies. 99% of you don't give a crap about us
    outside of football. When we're doing well you're all in our faces, when
    things get tough and we need encouragement you're nowhere to be found.
    You're fake and I despise you for it. We shall band together guys, we've
    been working hard and we only need each other. NONE of those outsiders
    will contribute to our survival as a team or as individuals, you can
    guarantee that.#stickclosetoeachother ~corn washington"
    Bobby Nettles reply:
    OK Mr. Corn, I'll bite, what oppressive circumstance that none of us can
    possibly understand are you referencing? Are you suggesting that none of
    us come from families that struggled to make ends meet? Maybe none of
    us were raised by a single parent? Perhaps some of us didn't eat grilled
    cheese sandwiches, cheap hot dogs (with no bun), ramen noodles, or
    fishsticks for dinner AS A TREAT because we came from an era of economic
    recession that makes today's seem tame?

    Let me tell you something you shortsighted little moron, poor when I was a kid meant
    something entirely different than it does now.. and we had it good
    compared to our parents and grandparents who survived on hope, sunshine,
    and tap water...

    When I was a kid, I didn't have a video game system, the TV in the LIVING ROOM was 19 inches of black & white goodness and it got 4 channels; two of them without adjusting the rabbit
    ears every few minutes, and one of those channels was PBS - so Sesame
    Street & Mr. Rogers all freaking day. This TV was shared by 4
    people, you dig? Hell, I woke up everyday wondering if Russia was going
    to nuke our asses for no apparent reason or if I might spontaneously
    explode if I didn't wear a condom during sex...

    I grew up listening to Georgia football on the radio - A.M. RADIO! We were lucky
    if 4 games were televised a year. I never missed a second of ANY game. I
    would sit in a 120 degree car until the final whistle if need be. We
    had one telephone, with a cord and it was a rotary that I had to ask
    permission to use. I ate in a restaurant 4 or 5 times a year and wore
    clothes til they either fell off or I outgrew them. We had 2 window
    units in our house and I didn't own a car until I was a senior in high
    school - guess who bought it and insured it? Crime was high and if we
    wanted to go somewhere during the day, we walked - often many, many
    miles. When I started looking for a job, it took 47 applications before I
    finally got one - at McDonalds, making $3.35/hour.

    I attended ****** Georgia Public schools that were UN-air-conditioned (you may find
    it hard to believe, but it actually used to get hot back in the 70s and
    80s... who knew?) I played high school football in the era where
    coaches only let us drink water once per practice, before there were
    limitations on when we could start practicing each year, so we practiced
    all summer if we wanted to start. My helmet had straps inside, not pads
    - and spearing, clothesline tackles, horse collar tackles, head slaps,
    and taking cheap shots @ wide recievers & quarterbacks was not only
    legal, but expected... I've never run a 4.4, never benched 500 lbs and
    never been visited by a college coach. I paid my own way to college and
    worked at Pizza Hut wearing brown polyester for 40 hours a week while
    attending a full load of classes.

    My family is full of nuts, my neighborhood kind of sucked, and so did my prospects. I would have
    killed to have worn the red & black, just to run onto the field and
    stand on the GOD DAMN SIDELINE - ONCE. When I screwed up and got a DUI,
    no one came to bail me out, I went to court alone, paid my fine, did my
    community service and dealt with it. It sucked, but I figured I learned
    that was probably something I shouldn't do again... So that I could
    afford my DUI fine, I went without electricity and and gas for a summer,
    which meant the only 2 things that worked in my house were the door
    lock and the toilet... I ate white bread and canned mushrooms for many
    weeks in a row because that's what the gas station on the corner had.
    When I was feeling fancy, I'd buy eggs or *gasp* Chef Boyardee

    So now, here we are.. one of your poor downtrodden
    teammates has suffered unjustly from some heretofor unknown boogey man
    that clearly has stacked the deck against him. Nevermind that 3/4s of
    the state would have loaned him their car and put him up for the night
    after he decided to stay in state and play for dear old UGA. Nevermind
    that 65% of the state forgave him the 1st 4 or 5 times he failed a drug
    test, acted like a petulant little bitch about school or classwork, came
    out of every game that an opponent busted him in his little bitch assed
    mouth, and generally acted like a little dreadlocked flower with all of
    the toughness of a three legged kitten, possessing the smarts of a
    window licking retard with water on the brain...

    So now he's taken to driving around with the next generation of UGA players with a
    gun that apparently isn't his and lo & behold, the serial number has
    been removed ( a Federal Offense that carries a penalty of 2-10 year in
    the joint). But it's clearly not his fault, I mean.. how could it be,
    he's been a model citizen since he left Columbus and arrived on the big
    stage. Every gesture, every nuance would lead the dispassionate
    bystander to the opinion that this just COULDN'T POSSIBLY be IC1's gun!

    Whatthe fvck is the matter with you morons? I was around when Frank Ros and
    the boys stole a pig before the 1980 season.. I was aware of the entire
    defense getting suspended before playing Miami of Ohio in the Tangerine
    Bowl ( a game I watched on that black & white TV - we lost as a
    result in spite of being heavily favored), hell I even vaaaguely
    remember some of the expoilts of Jake Scott... Every one of those guys
    was punished in some way that made them want to die & then they
    contritely returned to the team, better men for it. (Well, except for
    Scott who told Dooley to fvck off and went to play in Canada before
    becoming a Super Bowl MVP eventually.. but he didn't whine like a
    freaking bitch that nobody understood **sniff**, **sob**, and besides,
    I'm pretty sure Jake Scott could kill any one of you just by yelling).

    How did your boy IC1 fare after his 6 or 7 chances? Your little boy brains
    need to catch up to your full grown man bodies before you find
    yourselves hanging off the back of a trash collection truck IF YOU'RE
    LUCKY! You're blessed with health, superior athletic ability, and keen
    minds.. every advantage possible. Free school, a huge support system,
    the adulation of fans everywhere.. and somehow, we just don't
    understand? Understand what, that you're a freaking moron? That some of
    you waste these gifts and then whine like a bitch because instead of
    giving you a 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th chance we dare wonder what'n the hell
    is the matter with you?

    I suppose instead I should EXPECT YOU TO FAIL? Then I would understand, right? Are you idiots eating lead paint sandwiches between all the bong hits you're apparently doing? Be a
    freaking man and own up to your situation. It's not everyone else's
    fault, the quicker that takes root in your addled brain the better. Take
    the gifts that are given you - the OBVIOUS advantages the wheel of
    fortune has allowed you to enjoy and make something out of yourself.. or
    disappear into oblivion (preferably quietly, lest we think you are an
    even bigger idiot than you have led us to believe already).

    I hope your dad is en route to Athens to kick you in the *** (because I
    doubt our candy- assed coach will), you need it ... Your Pal, Bobby
  • Scarlet_Buckeye
  • FatHobbit
  • Tigerfan00
    Theres no way the football player read all that, he hasnt had to read that much all during college.
  • Con_Alma
    ...99% of you don't give a crap about us
    outside of football.
    I would bet it's 99.9%
  • vball10set
    how can I rep Bobby Nettles? :thumbup:
  • bigkahuna
    vball10set;1217601 wrote:how can I rep Bobby Nettles? :thumbup:
  • sleeper
    Well someone had to say it.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Did the player have a response?
  • xKoToVxSyNdRoMe
    ernest_t_bass;1217706 wrote:Did the player have a response?
  • karen lotz
    ernest_t_bass;1217706 wrote:Did the player have a response?

    I'm not sure Ernest
  • 2kool4skool
    I'm not sure what type of person gets this upset over a college football player, but it can't possibly be an intelligent or well adjusted one. Sounds like a typical hick who has a difficult time reconciling his love for Georgia football with his hate for black people.
  • 2kool4skool
    lol and here he [supposedly] is

  • holy_buckeye
    2kool4skool;1217914 wrote:I'm not sure what type of person gets this upset over a college football player, but it can't possibly be an intelligent or well adjusted one. Sounds like a typical hick who has a difficult time reconciling his love for Georgia football with his hate for black people.
    Can't argue the South's ols school hate problems. But I read it as an affront on todays youth mindset whoare convinced that tough times and consequences for bad choices are something new. I enjoyed the hell out of that rant.
  • Tiernan
    If Corny's dad was on his way to Athens to kick his ass, it would be the first time Corny ever saw his old man you can bet on that.
  • raiderbuck
    2kool4skool;1217914 wrote:I'm not sure what type of person gets this upset over a college football player, but it can't possibly be an intelligent or well adjusted one. Sounds like a typical hick who has a difficult time reconciling his love for Georgia football with his hate for black people.
    You can substitute "college football player" with "today's youth" and the response would still be spot on. Nettles pretty much summed up every parent or adult's feelings towards overall youth these days.
  • 2kool4skool
    raiderbuck;1229379 wrote:You can substitute "college football player" with "today's youth" and the response would still be spot on. Nettles pretty much summed up every parent or adult's feelings towards overall youth these days.
    "The next generation is the worst ever and ruining this country" - every bitter and out of touch old person since 1776.
  • Pick6
    raiderbuck;1229379 wrote:You can substitute "college football player" with "today's youth" and the response would still be spot on. Nettles pretty much summed up every parent or adult's feelings towards overall youth these days.
    oh stfu. link?
  • ts1227
    This sums up their exchange pretty well

  • dazedconfused
    ernest_t_bass;1217706 wrote:Did the player have a response?
    yes but i'm going to go out on a limb and say he probably didn't write it himself...well unless summer school english classes in athens are just exemplary
    I have gotten word that my post on Facebook has gotten a lot of buzz over the past week or so and there are a few things that I would like to say: Although everyone is entitled to their own opinions (even all the people who had negative things to say), I am at fault because no matter how I felt I should never have let those feeling get control of my better judgment. I should have kept it to myself and let the entire situation die down. My biggest regret about the whole thing is that it has cause so much disruption amongst the team. I forgot for a minute that I am here to get an education and play football and that pretty much is the extent of my responsibilities. I am not here to complain about the fanatics and for that I do apologize. I am a leader and I care about the guys that I lead. Believe me, I do know and understand that my teammate made a very bad decision and had to face the consequences, but I rather support him than be negative toward him. I rather help him succeed because I saw all the work that he had put in since spring and I was looking forward to seeing him play! The bottom line is that he has moved on and I’m happy he has found a place to continue his career, but the best thing for UGA football is to let this go and move forward positively. I would like to ask all the fans and supporters out there to help us with this by letting it go also. We have to continue to work hard and do our very best to get to Miami like we planned and I want all of you along for the ride.