
Florida is who I thought they were...

  • Society overrated offense due to the fact they haven't played a good defense all year.

    It's easy to have inflated stats when playing against a bunch of nobody defenses.
  • mallymal614
  • lhslep134
    That's mature society, but I'll take the attack in stride.

    And I don't think anyone on Florida had inflated stats, but I guess when you have blinders on like you do, those sort of things are irrelevant right?
  • enigmaax
    They did play some good defenses and the offense hasn't looked good for most of the season. Most Florida fans pretty much knew coming into the season that if the defense had one letdown, title hopes were done because the offense wasn't going to be the same.

    I don't know what you thought they were "rated" offensively, but overall I've thought Alabama and Texas were the best two teams in the country all season. In that sense, Florida certainly got the benefit of doubt from voters all season based on last year.
  • Al Capone
    Tebow crying like a little bitch LOL.
  • King Curtis
    ccrunner609 wrote: I thought they had inflated stats. Their schedule is SHIT.

    I wouldn't be talking assclown