Headshots in the Crowd
CCRollyDoes anyone know where/how people are coming up with these? Is it something you can make on your own or is there a website you order them from? Hopefully somewhere here knows what I'm talking about...
reclegend22Yes, I think I saw a giant Princess Diana head (complete with jeweled crown) at the Rider vs. Marist game, which, on any other year, would have been weird.
I have not a clue where you get these. I am assuming a quick online search will lead you in the right direction. -
LJWhat is the story behind the headshots?
CinciX12Marquette was the first to do them. I have looked into buying some of them for our student section (I am on the board for our version of Block O..). They are well over $100 if you want to do the full out 5 foot high laminated durable quality. But in theory you could just blow it up yourself and print it out on many pieces of paper and glue it to cardboard.
karen lotzI think San Diego State's student section, "The Show", has taken them to a new level.
johngrizzlyCinciX12;702462 wrote:Marquette was the first to do them. I have looked into buying some of them for our student section (I am on the board for our version of Block O..). They are well over $100 if you want to do the full out 5 foot high laminated durable quality. But in theory you could just blow it up yourself and print it out on many pieces of paper and glue it to cardboard.
I thought Ohio State started this in the early 70's? -
reclegend22Abraham Lincoln lol.
CinciX12johngrizzly;702515 wrote:I thought Ohio State started this in the early 70's?
Marquette claims it. I'm not 100% on either rumor though. -
CinciX12By the way Woody is pretty awesome to see in a student section. Toy Story all the way.
GOONx19Indiana's always look the best to me.
Barry BadrinathThe cheerleaders handed them out to Ohio State's student section at the Indiana game.
Laley23Indiana has a bunch, but its because the Athletic Department bought them. They hand them out each game and then at half, take them all back and move to the other basket.