The results for week 11 (game of the week was Michigan-Purdue, won by Michigan with a total of 43 points, which no one called).
Ttocs 42
FirestoneFan 38
OneBuckeye 38
Fab1b 38
IlikeTurtles 38
Vball10Set 36
Idrain3s 36
CCRunner609 36
Bababooey 34
FatHobbit 34
RebelI.N.S. 34
KillerEwok 34
Leonardo 34
Slingshot4Ever 34
NeohFan 34
OldMan 34
Tiernan 32
GoRocks 32
CatsGoneWild 32
DarbyPitcher22 32
Grodt 32
Enforcer 32
NCF 32
RockKnutne 32
Redfalcon 30
Atomica600 30
TheAnswer 30
GOONx19 28
RowsDower 28
EnigMaax 26
No picks-default score this week is 24
Mulva 24
Tbone14 24
FirestoneFan 432
Bababooey 414
GOONx19 410
OneBuckeye 408
Ttocs14 406
FatHobbit 406
Fab1b 404
GoRocks99 404
RowsDower 404
EnigMaax 402
Mulva 402
Tiernan 400
RebelI.N.S. 396
Redfalcon 396
Vball10Set 394
Idrain3s 392-tied for final spot
Atomica600 392-tied for final spot
^^^^^IN PLAYOFFS^^^^^
KillerEwok 388
Leonardo 388
CatsGoneWild 386
IlikeTurtles 384
DarbyPitcher22 382
Grodt 380
TheAnswer 380
Slingshot4Ever 378
CCRunner609 376
Enforcer 376
NeohFan 370
NCF 368
RockKuntne 366
OldMan 362
Tbone14 362
Week 12 coming soon (tonight or tomorrow).