
School's Hoping to Recruit God's Gift

  • Little Danny
    OSU, UC among others seeking the services of God's Gift. I hope this kid has a nickname.
  • Laley23
    I read that earlier today. Is that not the most ridiculous thing youve ever heard. What the fuck are those parents thinking.
  • reclegend22
    And here I thought God Shammgod was unusual.
  • chicago510
    Would be worse if your game was God's Gift and you sucked
  • wkfan
    I thought Tim Tebow used up his eligibility.
  • CinciX12
    Lol at Mick Cronin's little leprechaun ass recruiting that kid. Please please let him play basketball for UC. That would be plenty enough entertainment for 4 years.
  • Little Danny
    ^^You know as well as I do that Mick is done after this year. Hopefully UC makes the right hire and the programs returns to its former glory on the hardwood.
  • CinciX12
    Can UC afford to fire him though? I always thought that the buyout on his contract was pretty significant.
  • Little Danny
    I think UC is taking a bigger hit in the pocket book by having only 4-5K show up for a game. Buying out Mick would be cheaper in the long run.
  • Early Cuyler
    I agree with Little Danny. The only thing I hope is the Savino will remain on the staff, as he has been the main reason for any recruiting UC has been doing the past 3 months, unless UC shells out the cash to get a big-name coach to revive the program.
  • CinciX12
    Both of you couldn't be more wrong!!

    There is flat out NO WAY that UC gets 5k at basketball games:)