After watching last night's football game...
vball10set[IMG]http://[/IMG]TheMightyGators;471352 wrote:Florida would put up 28+ on OSU. Their secondary would get abused.
vball10setTheMightyGators;471352 wrote:Florida would put up 28+ on OSU. Their secondary would get abused.
Ty Webbsleeper;471949 wrote:You still sticking by this statement? LOL
Enjoy the Outback bowl.
You Ohio State fans are real fucking cocky aren't ya. You guys think your the only good team in the country. I'm going to laugh my ass off when Miami fucks you guys up and Harris takes a giant shit on that stupid block O at midfield -
Go rape your nephew or somethingTy Webb;472088 wrote:You Ohio State fans are real fucking cocky aren't ya. You guys think your the only good team in the country. I'm going to laugh my ass off when Miami fucks you guys up and Harris takes a giant shit on that stupid block O at midfield -
Ty Webb11
DeyDurkie5TheMightyGators;471352 wrote:Florida would put up 28+ on OSU. Their secondary would get abused.
LOL I love how SEC people use the "ohio state fans think they can beat anyone" argument but yet, you pull that statement out of your vagina?
cats gone wild;471810 wrote:People bashing UF for having an off game on week 1?? I guess bucks fans forgot about the Navy game last year.
The infamous jesus/SEC nut hugger is back on the chatter! Don't act like you didn't bash OSU after that Navy game last year ya turd -
I guess I'll just have to bump this thread again after Ohio State dismantles Miami. I think a lot of Ohio State fans are itching to play Florida this year, its too bad we won't be playing in the Outback Bowl LOLTy Webb;472088 wrote:You Ohio State fans are real fucking cocky aren't ya. You guys think your the only good team in the country. I'm going to laugh my ass off when Miami fucks you guys up and Harris takes a giant shit on that stupid block O at midfield -
Ty Webbsleeper;472617 wrote:I guess I'll just have to bump this thread again after Ohio State dismantles Miami. I think a lot of Ohio State fans are itching to play Florida this year, its too bad we won't be playing in the Outback Bowl LOL
You guys don't want any part of Florida this year....way way way too much speed for your slow ass defense -
sleeperTy Webb;472621 wrote:You guys don't want any part of Florida this year....way way way too much speed for your slow ass defense
You barely beat one of the 5 worst teams in D1 and you think you can beat the best team in the nation?
Delusional. -
Ty WebbKinda hard for Ohio State to be the best team with Alabama around...another team that would dismantle you
sleeperTy Webb;472626 wrote:Kinda hard for Ohio State to be the best team with Alabama around...another team that would dismantle you
Ty WebbGlad you can admit that I'm right
sleeperTy Webb;472630 wrote:Glad you can admit that I'm right
We will find out what Alabama can do against Penn State. But this is about Florida, and Florida is terrible LOL -
Ty Webb
Ok sleeper...whatever you say buddy.sleeper;472631 wrote:We will find out what Alabama can do against Penn State. But this is about Florida, and Florida is terrible LOL
Now go ahead and have your apple juice and crackers and go to bed and let the grownups talk -
LJTy Webb;472688 wrote:Ok sleeper...whatever you say buddy.
Now go ahead and have your apple juice and crackers and go to bed and let the grownups talk
Says Mike Clark who's only fact he ever presents is "You're a fucking moron" -
Ty WebbLJ;472691 wrote:Says Mike Clark who's only fact he ever presents is "You're a fucking moron"
I present plenty of facts....its that you and you pals don't like that I'm right -
LJTy Webb;472700 wrote:I present plenty of facts....its that you and you pals don't like that I'm right
So show me how Brantley is a better QB than Pryor? you never present facts. you just present your emotions. -
Ty WebbWatch film LJ....the proof is right in front of you
Brantley has a better throwing motion,better arm strength,and makes better reads than Pryor does -
LJTy Webb;472703 wrote:Watch film LJ....the proof is right in front of you
Brantley has a better throwing motion,better arm strength,and makes better reads than Pryor does
sure hasn't looked like it. -
LJof course, you were the only person in the country who thought Brantley was a hesiman contender....
DeyDurkie5LJ;472691 wrote:Says Mike Clark who's only fact he ever presents is "You're a fucking moron"
didn't realize he was Mike Clark...just makes it even funnier -
ptown_trojans_1The SEC fans have little room to talk this year. Other than Bama and Georgia, the conference looked like a joke.
Florida couldn't snap the ball and played like complete garbage on what is one of the worst teams in the country. That "speed" looked pretty slow sometimes. Best quote of the game was Speilman saying, "I guess the Florida offense must get used to the speed of the Miami defense". Florida did take over finally in the 4th, but still did not look like a top 25 team.
LSU: Had no offense for most of the game, then the defense decided to head back to Louisiana as they let UNC, who had 1/2 their team pretty much, back in the game and nearly win. For a team that was supposed to blow them out, they played like garbage the 2nd half. UNC had no shot to win that game and should have been a 30+ win. Instead, UNC simply out played them and Les Miles job was probably saved on a dropped pass in the endzone. If UNC was at full strength, they would have easily beat LSU.
And finally, Ole Miss, basically losing to a 30+ point underdog of the FCS. Pretty much the same class as Appy St. Not as highly ranked, but the spreads were in the same ballpark.
For the "Greatest" conference in the country, they sure played like garbage this weekend.
On the other hand, the Pac 10, and Big Ten didn't look too bad. -
ptown_trojans_1Ty Webb;472703 wrote:Watch film LJ....the proof is right in front of you
Brantley has a better throwing motion,better arm strength,and makes better reads than Pryor does
Is that after he muffs the snap from the center?
The guy has "potential". But, I saw nothing on Saturday for me to include him in even the top 25 of best QBs. Hell, I'd take ECU or Tulsa's QB's before Brantley. Or even the Penn St. freshmen. At least he can take a snap.... -
Ty WebbLJ;472707 wrote:of course, you were the only person in the country who thought Brantley was a hesiman contender.... -
LJTy Webb;472719 wrote:
None of those named him as a heisman contender, only a "player to watch"
Get real.