This Has To Be A Sign For Ohio State Right?
osu45804Try to look past the guy in the reflection though lol .... But pretty sweet pic!
bases_loadedAt the end of the rainbow is Hineygate? Is that the sign? Hineygate is coming?
Tiernanactually that rainbow looks to be ending more in the vicinity of the Varsity Club...which ain't bad either.
karen lotzIf its not a complete double rainbow it doesn't mean anything. Although no one is quite sure what a complete double rainbow means either.
adogTaken from Morril Tower?....what floor? and is that you Mike B in the reflection?
TBone14If you can find the bottom of the rainbow, there is a booster with either a SUV or a blank check there.
CinciX12I think it ends at the 315 construction.
gamauterNo it's German Village!