
Now Florida with a violation

  • Big Gain
    karen lotz;428972 wrote:I could be wrong here but I don't think this investigation has anything to do with recruiting. Has UOS ever been linked to improper benefits only to escape the shackles due to behind the scenes sleight of hand?
    Karen sweetie pie, OSU once lost a recruit because they gave him a gym bag. Oh, for the good old days. It now takes a minimum of 10K before the NCAA is interested.
  • karen lotz
    Big Gain;435237 wrote:Karen sweetie pie, OSU once lost a recruit because they gave him a gym bag full of ca$h. Oh, for the good old days. It now takes a minimum of 10K before the NCAA is interested.

    So you don't think that's a violation?
  • Big Gain
    karen lotz;435839 wrote:So you don't think that's a violation?
    SO, sweetie pie is a LIAR.

    I DID NOT say the bag was "full of ca$h", like your ignorant unladylike change to my post reads. It's painfully obvious you're an immature teeny on the rag, or you'd remember the Damon Flint episode. There was nothing in the gym bag but air. There was a day when the NCAA would not allow a recruit to go to the school he committed to, unless he sat out his Freshman year, after doing something as innocuous as accepting an EMPTY gym bag from the coach who had recruited him.
  • karen lotz
    Big Gain, please read:
    Main Entry: sar·casm
    Pronunciation: \ˈsär-ˌka-zəm\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwarəs- to cut
    Date: 1550
    1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
    2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm
    synonyms see wit
    hope this helps.
  • Big Gain
    karen lotz;437123 wrote:Big Gain, please read:

    hope this helps.
    It didn't help you catch the raillery in my post that necessitated you feeling the need to become a Ms Webster.

    So, according to the above you admit to being a bitter person who was trying to cut me and give me pain. A deed that shows what a little witch you are.